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Changelog History
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v2.2.12 Changes
New Services: * EMR Containers: * create_virtual_cluster() * delete_virtual_cluster() * describe_virtual_cluster() * list_virtual_clusters() * DirectoryService: * add_tags_to_resource() * create_directory() * delete_directory() * describe_directories() * get_directory_limits() * list_tags_for_resource() * remove_tags_for_resource() New Methods: * API Gateway: * create_base_path_mapping() * get_base_path_mappings() * CognitoIDP: * add_custom_attributes() * admin_delete_user_attributes() * Glue: * start_crawler() * stop_crawler() * Sagemaker: * add_tags() * associate_trial_component() * create_experiment() * create_trial() * create_trial_component() * delete_experiment() * delete_tags() * delete_trial() * delete_trial_component() * describe_experiment() * describe_trial() * describe_trial_component() * disassociate_trial_component() * list_associations() * list_experiments() * list_trial_components() * list_trials() * search() * SES: * describe_receipt_rule_set() * update_receipt_rule() Miscellaneous: * KMS: Now returns default AWS aliases (alias/aws/s3, etc)
v2.2.11 Changes
General: * Support for AWS China regions * ECS now has an option to enable long-format ARNs, by setting the environment variable MOTO_ECS_NEW_ARN=true Alternatively, use the `put_account_setting` to enable long-format for the current user. New Services: * Timestream: * create_database() * create_table() * delete_database() * delete_table() * describe_database() * describe_endpoints() * describe_table() * list_databases() * list_tables() * update_database() * update_table() * write_records() New Methods: * CognitoIDP: * admin_confirm_sign_up() * update_user_pool() * ECS: * delete_account_setting() * list_account_settings() * put_account_setting() * Route53: * create_query_logging_config() * delete_query_logging_config() * get_query_logging_config() * list_query_logging_config() * SES * describe_receipt_rule() * get_identity_notification_attributes() * set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled() Miscellaneous: * CloudFormation: Support create/update/delete of resource AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy * CloudFormation:get_template_summary() now returns the Parameters-attribute * CognitoIDP: Allow the UserAttributes email or phone_number to be used as username * CognitoIDP: Improved behaviour for the ForgotPassword()-feature
v2.2.10 Changes
New Services: * CloudTrail: * create_trail() * delete_trail() * describe_trails() * get_trail() * get_trail_status() * list_trails() * start_logging() * stop_logging() New Methods: * CognitoIDP: * admin_reset_user_password() * S3: * delete_bucket_replication() * get_bucket_replication() * put_bucket_replication() Miscellaneous: * ACM: describe_certificate(): the InUseBy-attribute will now show the appropriate Elastic Load Balancers * AWSLambda: If you're running Linux, 'host.docker.internal' is now added as an extra host in the Docker container used to invoke the function. This makes it easier for Lambda-functions to communicate with other servers running on the host-system. * CloudFormation: Now supports update/deletion of type AWS::SNS::Topic * CognitoIdentityProvider: list_users() now has improved support for the Filter-parameter * Kinesis: describe_stream() now supports the Filter-parameter * S3: list_object_versions() now supports the Delimiter and KeyMarker-parameter
v2.2.9 Changes
General: * Moto is now compatible with Sure 2.x New Methods: * Kinesis: * list_shards() * RDS: * create_db_cluster() * delete_db_cluster() * describe_db_clusters() * restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot() * start_db_cluster() * stop_db_cluster() * S3: * get_object_legal_hold() Miscellaneous: * CF: Now supports creation of AWS::EC2::VPNGateway * CF: Now supports deletion of AWS::Events::Rule * EC2: create_volume() now supports the VolumeType-parameter * EC2: describe_customer_gateways() now supports the CustomerGatewayIds-parameter * EC2: describe_security_groups() now has improved support for the Filters-parameter * EC2: describe_spot_instance_requests() now supports the SpotInstanceRequestIds-parameter * EC2: describe_transit_gateways() now supports the TransitGatewayIds-parameter
v2.2.8 Changes
New Services: * ACM: * export_certificate() * APIGateway: * create_request_validator() * delete_request_validator() * get_request_validators() * update_request_validator() Miscellaneous: * APIGateway: update_rest_api() now has improved support for the patchOperations-parameter * Batch: register_job_definition() now supports the tags-parameter * CloudFormation: Stack Events are now propagated to SNS when the NotificationARNs-parameter is supplied. * EC2: describe_vpc_endpoint_services() now returns the default endpoints for implemented services * IOT: list_job_executions_for_job() now supports the status-parameter * IOT: list_job_executions_for_thing() now supports the status-parameter * KMS: list_resource_tags() now supports an ARN as the KeyId-parameter * KMS: tag_resource() now supports an ARN as the KeyId-parameter * KMS: untag_resource() now supports an ARN as the KeyId-parameter * SecretsManager: update_secret() now supports the ClientRequestToken-parameter
v2.2.7 Changes
General: * Performance improvements when using Moto in Server Mode. Only services that are actually used will now be loaded into memory, greatly reducing the waiting times when starting the server, making an initial request and calling the reset-api. New Services: * Firehose * create_delivery_stream() * delete_delivery_stream() * describe_delivery_stream() * list_delivery_streams() * list_tags_for_delivery_stream() * put_record() * put_record_batch() * tag_delivery_stream() * untag_delivery_stream() * update_destination() New Methods: * Autoscaling: * delete_lifecycle_hook() * describe_lifecycle_hooks() * put_lifecycle_hook() * EC2: * associate_subnet_cidr_block() * create_carrier_gateway() * delete_carrier_gateway() * describe_carrier_gateways() * describe_spot_price_history() * disassociate_subnet_cidr_block() * update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress() * update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress() * Logs: * delete_metric_filter() * describe_metric_filters() * put_metric_filter() * SageMaker: * list_training_jobs() * Transcribe * create_vocabulary() * delete_transcription_job() * delete_vocabulary() * get_transcription_job() * get_vocabulary() * list_transcription_jobs() * start_transcription_job() Miscellaneous: * DynamoDB: Improved support for the ReturnConsumedCapacity-parameter across all methods * EC2:create_route() now supports the parameters CarrierGatewayId, DestinationPrefixListId * EC2:create_subnet() now supports the Ipv6CidrBlock-parameter * EC2:describe_nat_gateways() now supports the NatGatewayIds-parameter * EC2:describe_vpn_gateways() now supports the VpnGatewayIds-parameter * EC2:modify_network_interface_attribute() now supports the SourceDestCheck-parameter * EC2:replace_route() now supports the parameters DestinationIpv6CidrBlock, DestinationPrefixListId, NatGatewayId, EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId, TransitGatewayId * EC2:run_instances() now supports the InstanceMarketOptions.MarketType-parameter * Logs:put_log_events() now supports Firehose as a destination * Logs:put_subscription_filter() now supports Firehose as a destination * S3:create_bucket(): Improved error handling for duplicate buckets * S3:head_object() now validates incoming calls when using the `set_initial_no_auth_action_count`-decorator * SSM:put_parameter() now supports the DataType-parameter
v2.2.6 Changes
General: * `pip install` will no longer log a warning when installing a service that does not have any dependencies Example: `pip install moto[acm]` New Services: ElasticTranscoder: * create_pipeline * delete_pipeline * list_pipelines * read_pipeline * update_pipeline New Methods: * DynamoDB: * describe_endpoints() Miscellaneous: * AWSLambda now sends logs to CloudWatch when Docker encounters an error, to make debugging easier * AWSLambda: For all methods, the FunctionName-parameter can be either the Lambda name or the Lambda ARN * AWSLambda:list_functions() now returns only the latest version by default * AWSLambda:invoke() now returns the correct Payload for invocations that resulted in an error * CloudFormation now supports the creation of type AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy * CloudFormation now supports the deletion of type AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile * CloudFormation now supports the deletion of type AWS::IAM::Role * CloudWatch:create_log_group() now has proper validation for the length of the logGroupName-parameter * CloudWatch:describe_log_groups() now has proper validation for the limit-parameter * CloudWatch:describe_log_streams() now has proper validation for the limit-parameter * CloudWatch:get_log_events() now has proper validation for the limit-parameter * CloudWatch:filter_log_events() now has proper validation for the limit-parameter * DynamoDB:update_item(): fixed a bug where an item was created, despite throwing an error * DynamoDB:update_item() now throws an error when both UpdateExpression and AttributeUpdates are supplied * EC2:modify_instance_attribute() now supports Attribute="disableApiTermination" * S3 now supports direct uploads using the requests-library without having to specify the 'Content-Type' header * S3 now supports creating S3 buckets that start with a service name, i.e. `iot-bucket` * S3 now returns the RequestID in every response * S3:list_parts() now supports the MaxPart-parameter * SQS:get_queue_attributes() now behaves correctly when the AttributeNames-parameter is not provided * SQS:receive_message() no longer accepts queue-names for the QueueUrl-parameter, as per AWS' spec * SQS: The sqs.Queue-class no longer accepts queue-names, only queue-URLs, as per AWS' spec
v2.2.5 Changes
General: * Python 3.9 is now officially supported Known bugs: * SQS:get_queue_attributes() throws an error when the AttributeNames-parameter is not provided New Methods: * DynamoDB (API v20111205, now deprecated) * UpdateItem * EC2: * modify_vpc_peering_connection_options() * Glue: * create_crawler() * delete_crawler() * get_crawler() * get_crawlers() * SSM: * describe_document_permission() * modify_document_permission() Miscellaneous: * CloudFormation:create_stack() now has validation for an empty Outputs-parameter * EC2 now returns errors in the correct format, fixing various bugs with `terraform destroy` * EC2:authorize_security_group_egress() now returns the securityGroupRuleSet-attribute * EC2:authorize_security_group_ingress() now returns the securityGroupRuleSet-attribute * EC2:create_route() now supports the EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId-parameter * EC2:create_route_table() now adds an IPv6-route when enabled * EC2:describe_security_groups() now returns the ipv6Ranges-attribute * EC2:describe_vpc_peering_connection() now supports the VpcPeeringConnectionIds-parameter * Organisations:detach_policy() now actually detaches a policy - before it was essentially a no-op * Route53:create_health_check() now supports the CallerReference-parameter * Route53:create_health_check() now support default values for integer-parameters such as Port/RequestInterval/FailureThreshold * Route53:create_health_check() now supports several additional parameters such as MeasureLatency/Inverted/Disabled/EnableSNI/ChildHealthChecks * SQS:create_queue() now supports the queue-attributes FifoThroughputLimit and DeduplicationScope
v2.2.4 Changes
New Methods: * ConfigService: * delete_config_rule() * describe_config_rule() * put_config_rule() * EC2: * create_egress_only_internet_gateway() * delete_egress_only_internet_gateway() * describe_egress_only_internet_gateways() * Fargate: * create_fargate_profile() * delete_fargate_profile() * describe_fargate_profile() * list_fargate_profiles() * IOT: * deprecate_thing_type() * S3: * get_object_lock_configuration() * put_object_legal_hold() * put_object_lock_configuration() * put_object_retention() Miscellaneous: * CloudFormation:describe_stack_resource() now throws an exception of the LogicalResourceId does not exist * CloudFormation: AWS::Events::Rule now supports the EventPattern-property * CloudFormation: Improved Parameter handling * EC2:describe_instances() now handles wildcards correctly when filtering by tags * EC2:terminate_instances() now throws an exception when trying to terminate a protected instance * ELBv2:describe_rules() now returns the correct value for the IsDefault-attribute * IOT:create_thing() now throws an exception if the thing type is deprecated * IOT:update_thing() now throws an exception if the thing type is deprecated * S3:create_bucket() now supports the ObjectLockEnabledForBucket-parameter * S3:putObject() is fixed for the Java SDK, which failed with a eTag-validation
v2.2.3 Changes
New Methods: * EC2: * create_managed_prefix_list() * delete_managed_prefix_list() * describe_managed_prefix_lists() * describe_prefix_lists() * get_managed_prefix_list_entries() * delete_vpc_endpoints() * disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table() * modify_managed_prefix_list() * ECR: * delete_lifecycle_policy() * delete_registry_policy() * describe_image_scan_findings() * describe_registry() * get_lifecycle_policy() * get_registry_policy() * put_lifecycle_policy() * put_registry_policy() * put_replication_configuration() * start_image_scan() * CloudWatch: * list_tags_for_resource() * tag_resource() * untag_resource() Miscellaneous: * CloudWatch: put_metric_alarm() now supports the parameters ExtendedStatistic, TreatMissingData, EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile, ThresholdMetricId, Tags * CognitoIdentity: create_identity_pool() now supports the IdentityPoolTags-parameter * CognitoIDP: initiate_auth() now supports the 'USER_PASSWORD_AUTH'-flow * EC2: allocate_address() now supports the TagSpecifications-parameter * EC2: create_route() now supports the TransitGatewayId-parameter * EC2: delete_route() now supports the DestinationIpv6CidrBlock-parameter * EC2: describe_nat_gateways() now returns the connectivityType-attribute * ECR: delete_repository() now supports the force-parameter * EventBridge: put_events() now supports ARN's for the EventBusName-parameter * EventBridge: put_rule() now supports the Tags-parameter * IOT: create_policy_version() now throws the VersionsLimitExceededException if appropriate