Moto v3.1.9 Release Notes

  • Docker Digest for 3.1.9: sha256:eea31d2f99b2fef16cffb3ea86d21dd911647835a3182bedd8918074292ce552

    New Services:
        * EBS:
            * complete_snapshot()
            * get_snapshot_block()
            * list_changed_blocks()
            * list_snapshot_blocks()
            * put_snapshot_block()
            * start_snapshot()
    New Methods:
        * CloudFront:
            * update_distribution()
        * Datasets:
            * create_dataset()
            * delete_dataset()
            * describe_dataset()
            * list_datasets()
            * update_dataset()
        * Glue:
            * list_crawlers()
        * Rekognition:
            * get_face_search()
            * start_face_seach()
        * EC2:describe_vpc_endpoints() now supports the `vpc-endpoint-type`-filter
        * RDS:create_db_cluster() now supports the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports-parameter
        * RDS:create_db_instance() now supports the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports-parameter
        * SSM now integrates with SecretsManager