All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
72 days
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Changelog History
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Changelog History
Page 10
v1.1.12 Changes
* implemented all AWS managed policies in source * fixing Dynamodb CapacityUnits format * S3 ACL implementation
v1.1.11 Changes
* S3 authentication * SSM get_parameter * ELBv2 target group tagging * EC2 Security group filters
v1.1.10 Changes
* EC2 vpc address filtering * EC2 elastic ip dissociation * ELBv2 target group tagging * fixed complexity of accepting new filter implementations
v1.1.9 Changes
* EC2 root device mapping
v1.1.8 Changes
* Lambda get_function for function created with zipfile * scripts/
v1.1.7 Changes
* Lambda invoke_async * EC2 keypair filtering
v1.1.6 Changes
* Dynamo ADD and DELETE operations in update expressions * Lambda tag support
v1.1.5 Changes
* Dynamo allow ADD update_item of a string set * Handle max-keys in list-objects * bugfixes in pagination
v1.1.3 Changes
* EC2 vpc_id in responses
v1.1.2 Changes
* IAM account aliases * SNS subscription attributes * bugfixes in Dynamo, CFN, and EC2