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Changelog History
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  • v3.1.10 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.10: sha256:18c6367dbb843850a5b52bc2b74cde9fd2a03719da667aa01b7c80de26849fb6

    New Methods:
        * APIGateway:
            * import_rest_api()
            * put_rest_api()
        * Glue:
            * get_tags()
            * tag_resource()
            * untag_resource()
        * APIGateway:put_integration() now supports the passthroughBehavior-parameter
        * APIGatewayV2:create_authorizer() now supports the AuthorizerPayloadFormatVersion-parameter
        * AWSLamba:publish_layer_version() now supports the CompatibleArchitectures-parameter
        * DAX:create_cluster() now supports the ClusterEndpointEncryptionType-parameter
        * EC2:describe_route_tables() now supports the filter `route.gateway-id`
        * EC2:run_instances() now validates whether the Placement-parameter has a valid availabilty zone
        * ECS:list_services() now supports the launchType-parameter
        * ELB:describe_instance_health() now returns the OutOfService-status when appropriate
        * Organizations:list_accounts_for_parent() now supports pagination
        * Organizations:list_organizational_units_for_parent() now supports pagination
  • v3.1.9 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.9: sha256:eea31d2f99b2fef16cffb3ea86d21dd911647835a3182bedd8918074292ce552

    New Services:
        * EBS:
            * complete_snapshot()
            * get_snapshot_block()
            * list_changed_blocks()
            * list_snapshot_blocks()
            * put_snapshot_block()
            * start_snapshot()
    New Methods:
        * CloudFront:
            * update_distribution()
        * Datasets:
            * create_dataset()
            * delete_dataset()
            * describe_dataset()
            * list_datasets()
            * update_dataset()
        * Glue:
            * list_crawlers()
        * Rekognition:
            * get_face_search()
            * start_face_seach()
        * EC2:describe_vpc_endpoints() now supports the `vpc-endpoint-type`-filter
        * RDS:create_db_cluster() now supports the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports-parameter
        * RDS:create_db_instance() now supports the EnableCloudwatchLogsExports-parameter
        * SSM now integrates with SecretsManager
  • v3.1.8 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.8: sha256:a7d8c55eec8d75d75dd2532a6a0a9647935238236a54e4de7bb3f72bc28b7bf8

        * Moto now supports a way to delay state transitions. 
        * Moto now supports `@mock_batch_simple`, a way to mock the Batch-service without invoking Docker.
    New Methods:
        * CognitoIDP:
            * global_sign_out()
            * update_group()
            * update_user_attributes()
        * DataBrew:
            * delete_recipe_version()
            * list_recipe_versions()
            * publish_recipe()
        * IAM:
            * create_service_linked_role()
            * delete_service_linked_role()
            * get_service_linked_role_deletion_status()
        * Sagemaker:
            * update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities()
        * EC2: request_spot_fleet() now supports the parameters LaunchTemplateConfigs, InstanceInterruptionBehavior
        * EC2: request_spot_instances() now supports the InstanceInterruptionBehavior-parameter
        * EC2: The status of a SpotInstances request now automatically transitions to 'Active/Fulfilled'
        * EC2: Tags specified into create_launch_template() are now passed through when calling `run_instances()` with this template
        * RDS: describe_db_instances() now supports the filter `db-cluster-id`
        * TimestreamWrite: create_table() now supports the MagneticStoreWriteProps-parameter
        * TimestreamWrite: update_table() now supports the MagneticStoreWriteProps-parameter 
  • v3.1.7 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.7: sha256:d9661c13c2f790cbe9ed6531cefec132494fc0e8c37fcceca1f709292ef0880f

    New Methods:
        * SES:
            * get_identity_verification_attributes()
        * CognitoIDP: UserPools now come with default values for the following attributes: Policies, AdminCreateUserConfig, EmailConfiguration, VerificationMessageTemplate
        * ELBv2: Improved the response-format of the `create_rule()` and `set_rule_priorities()`-methods
        * MediaConnect: Now has the correct format for flow/source ARN's
        * Organizations: Fixes the behaviour for close_account()
        * Sagemaker: Now supports tagging of Models, EndpointConfigs, ProcessingJobs
  • v3.1.6 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.6: sha256:722b9c05ad3454047688db4ba95991f6af4166c63d871149b1b1eef9d70be70f

    New Methods:
        * Organizations:
            * close_account()
        * Autoscaling: the BlockDeviceMappings in LaunchConfigurations and LaunchTemplates are now respected when launching EC2 instances
        * CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now supports the Dimensions-parameter
        * ELB: set_rule_priorities() now correctly returns the Rules-attribute
        * ELBv2: create_target_group() now supports the Tags-parameter
        * Events: delete_rule() now verifies whether any targets are still attached before deletion
  • v3.1.5 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.5: sha256:79050ce5b729f6eff3282a79dace9cb7e5983588250452f8821aeffa87eca334

    New Methods:
        * ApplicationAutoscaling:
            * delete_scheduled_action()
            * describe_scheduled_actions()
            * put_scheduled_action()
        * Databrew:
            * create_ruleset()
            * delete_ruleset()
            * list_rulesets()
            * update_recipe()
            * update_ruleset()
        * EC2:
            * describe_network_interface_attribute()
        * Glue:get_partitions() now supports the Expression-parameter
        * RDS:delete_db_cluster() now supports the FinalDBSnapshotIdentifier-parameter
        * S3 actions can now send notifications for (a subset of) supported events and targets
  • v3.1.4 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.4: sha256:795eb8a1d966ef30c53f504e358afb23ec262e5ad1cba18d474096c0fba794bd

        * Compatible with botocore 1.24.30.
          The IOTData service in older versions of Moto is incompatible with botocore >= 1.24.30, due to the fact that AWS changed their URL endpoints. 
    New Services:
        * QuickSight:
            * create_data_set()
            * create_group()
            * create_group_membership()
            * create_ingestion()
            * delete_group()
            * delete_user()
            * describe_group()
            * describe_group_membership()
            * describe_user()
            * list_groups()
            * list_group_memberships()
            * list_users()
            * register_user()
            * update_group()
            * describe_group()
            * describe_group()
            * describe_group()
        * Rekognition:
            * get_text_detection()
            * start_text_detection()
    New Methods:
        * EC2:
            * delete_launch_template()
        * ECS:
            * create_capacity_provider()
            * delete_capacity_provider()
            * describe_capacity_providers()
        * Autoscaling:put_scaling_policy() now supports the parameters MetricAggregationType, MinAdjustmentMagnitude, EstimatedInstanceWarmup, PredictiveScalingConfiguration
        * Autoscaling:create_auto_scaling_group() now supports launch template versions '$Latest' and '$Default'
        * RDS: Improved tagging support for Clusters and ClusterSnapshots
  • v3.1.3 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.3: sha256:d0716d84d376e7aafeb4a40a29d298725aa39e6553b64f55a6be1287e4bee80c

    New Methods:
        * TimestreamWrite:
            * list_tags_for_resource()
            * tag_resource()
            * untag_resource()
        * EC2:run_instances(): Fixed a bug when supplying the NetworkInterfaces.Groups-parameter
        * Logs:delete_metric_filter(): Fixed a bug where the logGroupName-validator was too strict
  • v3.1.2 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.2: sha256:884923ae6449b2db64e6805ef82209fcc5aab4991024c495aea07a191257aa4d

    Known Bugs:
        * EC2:run_instances(): This call will fail when supplying the NetworkInterfaces.Groups-parameter 
    New Methods:
        * ELB
            * attach_load_balancer_to_subnets()
            * detach_load_balancer_from_subnets()
            * describe_load_balancer_policies()
            * delete_load_balancer_policy()
            * enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer()
            * disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer()
        * ELBv2:
            * add_listener_certificates()
            * describe_listener_certificates()
            * remove_listener_certificates()
        * Glue:
            * get_job()
            * get_job_run()
            * start_job_run()
        * AWSLambda:add_permission() now supports the Qualifier-parameter
        * ELB:create_load_balancer() now retrieves the subnets based on the AvailabilityZones-parameter
        * ELB:create_load_balancer() now creates a default SecurityGroup, if none is provided
        * ELBv2:create_load_balancer() now supports the SubnetMappings-parameter
        * ELBv2:create_listener() now supports the AlpnPolicy-parameter
        * ELBv2: Improved tagging support
        * ELBv2: Exposes the TargetGroupStickinessConfig-attribute when describing a Action of type ForwardConfig
  • v3.1.1 Changes

    Docker Digest for 3.1.1: sha256:e2b8145574e01d1630be307f418211e09e089b87d8d87b1ac69878a50d8dde0c

    New Methods:
        * AWSLambda:
            * create_alias()
            * delete_alias()
            * delete_layer_version()
            * get_alias()
            * get_layer_version()
            * update_alias()
        * EFS:
            * create_access_point()
            * delete_access_point()
            * describe_access_points()
            * describe_lifecycle_configuration()
            * describe_mount_target_security_groups()
            * list_tags_for_resource()
            * modify_mount_target_security_groups()
            * put_lifecycle_configuration()
            * tag_resource()
            * untag_resource()
        * AWSLambda: get_function now returns the parameters Tags, LastUpdateStatus, TracingConfig
        * ELBV2:describe_tags() now supports ListenerRules.