









55 Machine Learning packages and projects

  • tensorflow

    10.0 10.0 L1 C++
    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
  • Keras

    9.9 9.9 L2 Python
    Deep Learning for humans
  • The APIs are flexible and easy-to-use, supporting authentication, user identity, and complex enterprise features like SSO and SCIM provisioning.
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  • scikit-learn

    9.9 9.9 L3 Python
    scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
  • gym

    9.8 0.0 Python
    A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
  • xgboost

    9.8 9.6 L1 C++
    Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
  • CNTK

    9.6 0.0 L1 C++
    Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
  • PaddlePaddle

    9.6 10.0 L1 C++
    PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
  • Prophet

    9.5 6.2 Python
    Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
  • MLflow

    9.5 9.9 Python
    Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
  • gensim

    9.5 7.5 L3 Python
    Topic Modelling for Humans
  • MindsDB

    9.5 10.0 Python
    The platform for customizing AI from enterprise data
  • TFLearn

    9.1 0.0 L3 Python
    Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow.
  • dspy

    8.9 9.9 Python
    DSPy: The framework for programming—not prompting—foundation models
  • NuPIC

    8.8 0.0 L3 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing is an implementation of Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), a theory of intelligence based strictly on the neuroscience of the neocortex.
  • H2O

    8.8 9.7 Jupyter Notebook
    H2O is an Open Source, Distributed, Fast & Scalable Machine Learning Platform: Deep Learning, Gradient Boosting (GBM) & XGBoost, Random Forest, Generalized Linear Modeling (GLM with Elastic Net), K-Means, PCA, Generalized Additive Models (GAM), RuleFit, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Stacked Ensembles, Automatic Machine Learning (AutoML), etc.
  • Pyro.ai

    8.7 8.4 Python
    Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch
  • Surprise

    8.4 0.0 L4 Python
    A Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems
  • srez

    8.3 0.0 L5 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Image super-resolution through deep learning
  • LightFM

    7.9 4.8 L4 Python
    A Python implementation of LightFM, a hybrid recommendation algorithm.
  • Pylearn2

    7.8 0.0 L2 Python
    Warning: This project does not have any current developer. See bellow.
  • skflow

    7.6 1.3 L4 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Simplified interface for TensorFlow (mimicking Scikit Learn) for Deep Learning
  • Sacred

    7.5 3.5 Python
    Sacred is a tool to help you configure, organize, log and reproduce experiments developed at IDSIA.
  • PyBrain

    7.5 0.0 L4 Python
    Another Python Machine Learning Library.
  • Clairvoyant

    7.2 0.0 L3 Python
    Software designed to identify and monitor social/historical cues for short term stock movement
  • Metrics

    6.2 0.0 Python
    Machine learning evaluation metrics, implemented in Python, R, Haskell, and MATLAB / Octave
  • python-recsys

    6.2 0.0 L4 Python
    A python library for implementing a recommender system
  • karateclub

    6.1 7.0 Python
    Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs (CIKM 2020)
  • awesome-embedding-models

    6.0 0.0 Jupyter Notebook
    A curated list of awesome embedding models tutorials, projects and communities.
  • pydeep

    5.9 0.0 L3 Python
    Deep learning in Python
  • Crab

    5.7 0.0 L2 Python
    Crab is a flexible, fast recommender engine for Python that integrates classic information filtering recommendation algorithms in the world of scientific Python packages (numpy, scipy, matplotlib).
  • hebel

    5.0 0.0 L2 Python
    GPU-Accelerated Deep Learning Library in Python
  • seqeval

    4.6 0.0 Python
    A Python framework for sequence labeling evaluation(named-entity recognition, pos tagging, etc...)
  • adaptive

    4.5 6.2 Python
    :chart_with_upwards_trend: Adaptive: parallel active learning of mathematical functions
  • Xorbits

    4.4 8.8 Python
    Scalable Python DS & ML, in an API compatible & lightning fast way.
  • TrueSkill, the video game rating system

    4.2 1.4 Python
    An implementation of the TrueSkill rating system for Python
  • pdpipe

    3.9 0.0 Jupyter Notebook
    Easy pipelines for pandas DataFrames.
  • SciKit-Learn Laboratory

    3.9 8.7 Python
    SciKit-Learn Laboratory (SKLL) makes it easy to run machine learning experiments.
  • rwa

    3.8 0.0 L5 Python
    Machine Learning on Sequential Data Using a Recurrent Weighted Average
  • Feature Forge

    3.5 0.0 L4 Python
    A set of tools for creating and testing machine learning features, with a scikit-learn compatible API
  • nptyping

    3.3 0.0 Python
    💡 Type hints for Numpy and Pandas
  • Data Flow Facilitator for Machine Learning (dffml)

    3.3 9.1 Python
    The easiest way to use Machine Learning. Mix and match underlying ML libraries and data set sources. Generate new datasets or modify existing ones with ease.
  • brew

    3.2 0.0 L4 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Multiple Classifier Systems and Ensemble Learning Library in Python.
  • bodywork

    3.1 0.0 Python
    DISCONTINUED. ML pipeline orchestration and model deployments on Kubernetes.
  • Robocorp Action Server

    3.0 9.8 Python
    Create 🐍 Python AI Actions and 🤖 Automations, and deploy & operate them anywhere
  • MLP Classifier

    2.8 0.0 L4 Python
    A handwritten multilayer perceptron classifer using numpy.
  • OptaPy

    2.7 5.5 Java
    OptaPy is an AI constraint solver for Python to optimize planning and scheduling problems.
  • redframes

    2.7 1.4 Python
    General Purpose Data Manipulation Library
  • vowpal_porpoise

    2.5 0.0 L3 Python
    lightweight python wrapper for vowpal wabbit
  • openskill.py

    2.5 7.3 Jupyter Notebook
    Multiplayer Rating System. No Friction.
  • omega-ml

    1.8 8.1 Python
    MLOps simplified. From ML Pipeline ⇨ Data Product without the hassle
  • ChaiPy

    1.5 0.0 Python
    DISCONTINUED. A developer interface for creating advanced chatbots for the Chai app.
  • DeployMe

    1.4 3.0 Python
    Minimalistic ML-models auto deployment tool
  • tfgraphviz

    1.4 0.0 L5 Python
    A visualization tool to show a TensorFlow's graph like TensorBoard
  • neptune-contrib

    1.3 0.0 Python
    This library is a location of the LegacyLogger for PyTorch Lightning.
  • Simple GAN

    0.6 0.0 Python
    Attempt at implementation of a simple GAN using Keras

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