Moto v2.2.8 Release Notes

  • New Services:
        * ACM:
            * export_certificate()
        * APIGateway:
            * create_request_validator()
            * delete_request_validator()
            * get_request_validators()
            * update_request_validator()
        * APIGateway: update_rest_api() now has improved support for the patchOperations-parameter
        * Batch: register_job_definition() now supports the tags-parameter
        * CloudFormation: Stack Events are now propagated to SNS when the NotificationARNs-parameter is supplied.
        * EC2: describe_vpc_endpoint_services() now returns the default endpoints for implemented services 
        * IOT: list_job_executions_for_job() now supports the status-parameter
        * IOT: list_job_executions_for_thing() now supports the status-parameter
        * KMS: list_resource_tags() now supports an ARN as the KeyId-parameter
        * KMS: tag_resource() now supports an ARN as the KeyId-parameter
        * KMS: untag_resource() now supports an ARN as the KeyId-parameter
        * SecretsManager: update_secret() now supports the ClientRequestToken-parameter