Moto v2.2.7 Release Notes

  • General:
        * Performance improvements when using Moto in Server Mode.
          Only services that are actually used will now be loaded into memory, greatly reducing the waiting times when starting the server, making an initial request and calling the reset-api.
    New Services:
        * Firehose
            * create_delivery_stream()
            * delete_delivery_stream()
            * describe_delivery_stream()
            * list_delivery_streams()
            * list_tags_for_delivery_stream()
            * put_record()
            * put_record_batch()
            * tag_delivery_stream()
            * untag_delivery_stream()
            * update_destination()
    New Methods:
        * Autoscaling:
            * delete_lifecycle_hook()
            * describe_lifecycle_hooks()
            * put_lifecycle_hook()
        * EC2:
            * associate_subnet_cidr_block()
            * create_carrier_gateway()
            * delete_carrier_gateway()
            * describe_carrier_gateways()
            * describe_spot_price_history()
            * disassociate_subnet_cidr_block()
            * update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress()
            * update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress()
        * Logs:
            * delete_metric_filter()
            * describe_metric_filters()
            * put_metric_filter()
        * SageMaker:
            * list_training_jobs()
        * Transcribe
            * create_vocabulary()
            * delete_transcription_job()
            * delete_vocabulary()
            * get_transcription_job()
            * get_vocabulary()
            * list_transcription_jobs()
            * start_transcription_job()
        * DynamoDB: Improved support for the ReturnConsumedCapacity-parameter across all methods
        * EC2:create_route() now supports the parameters CarrierGatewayId, DestinationPrefixListId
        * EC2:create_subnet() now supports the Ipv6CidrBlock-parameter
        * EC2:describe_nat_gateways() now supports the NatGatewayIds-parameter
        * EC2:describe_vpn_gateways() now supports the VpnGatewayIds-parameter
        * EC2:modify_network_interface_attribute() now supports the SourceDestCheck-parameter
        * EC2:replace_route() now supports the parameters DestinationIpv6CidrBlock, DestinationPrefixListId, NatGatewayId, EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId, TransitGatewayId
        * EC2:run_instances() now supports the InstanceMarketOptions.MarketType-parameter
        * Logs:put_log_events() now supports Firehose as a destination
        * Logs:put_subscription_filter() now supports Firehose as a destination
        * S3:create_bucket(): Improved error handling for duplicate buckets
        * S3:head_object() now validates incoming calls when using the `set_initial_no_auth_action_count`-decorator
        * SSM:put_parameter() now supports the DataType-parameter