











36 Science and Data Analysis packages and projects

  • Pandas

    9.9 10.0 L2 Python
    Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
  • NumPy

    9.8 10.0 L1 Python
    The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
  • Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.
    Promo www.influxdata.com
    InfluxDB Logo
  • SciPy

    9.4 9.9 L2 Python
    SciPy library main repository
  • SymPy

    9.4 10.0 L2 Python
    A computer algebra system written in pure Python
  • NetworkX

    9.4 9.6 L3 Python
    Network Analysis in Python
  • Dask

    9.2 9.6 L2 Python
    Parallel computing with task scheduling
  • statsmodels

    9.2 9.4 L3 Python
    Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
  • Numba

    8.9 9.9 L3 Python
    NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
  • PyMC

    8.9 9.5 L4 Python
    Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Programming in Python
  • Getting Started

    8.7 9.6 Python
    PyGWalker: Turn your pandas dataframe into an interactive UI for visual analysis
  • Biopython

    8.3 9.6 L2 Python
    Official git repository for Biopython (originally converted from CVS)
  • astropy

    8.2 9.9 L2 Python
    Astronomy and astrophysics core library
  • orange

    8.1 9.6 L2 Python
    ๐ŸŠ :bar_chart: :bulb: Orange: Interactive data analysis
  • Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython

    7.4 8.2 L3 Jupyter Notebook
    IPython Parallel: Interactive Parallel Computing in Python
  • blaze

    7.2 0.0 L4 Python
    NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data
  • RDKit

    7.1 9.5 L1 HTML
    The official sources for the RDKit library
  • Cubes

    5.9 0.0 L3 Python
    [NOT MAINTAINED] Light-weight Python OLAP framework for multi-dimensional data analysis
  • Open Mining

    5.7 0.0 L3 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Business Intelligence (BI) in Python, OLAP
  • #<Sawyer::Resource:0x00007f547e829e00>

    5.6 6.7 Python
    A unified interface for distributed computing. Fugue executes SQL, Python, Pandas, and Polars code on Spark, Dask and Ray without any rewrites.
  • bcbio-nextgen

    5.4 6.7 L3 Python
    Validated, scalable, community developed variant calling, RNA-seq and small RNA analysis
  • NIPY

    5.4 8.9 L3 Python
    Workflows and interfaces for neuroimaging packages
  • bcolz

    4.7 0.0 C
    DISCONTINUED. A columnar data container that can be compressed.
  • bccb

    4.5 4.4 L4 Python
    Incubator for useful bioinformatics code, primarily in Python and R
  • Neupy

    4.4 0.0 L5 Python
    NeuPy is a Tensorflow based python library for prototyping and building neural networks
  • Bubbles

    3.6 0.0 L5 Python
    [NOT MAINTAINED] Bubbles โ€“ Python ETL framework
  • PyDy

    3.5 3.9 L3 Python
    Multibody dynamics tool kit.
  • harold

    2.4 1.8 L2 Python
    An open-source systems and controls toolbox for Python3
  • signac

    2.4 8.3 Python
    Manage large and heterogeneous data spaces on the file system.
  • PatZilla

    2.1 5.4 Python
    PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit with a modern user interface and access to multiple data sources.
  • LynxKite

    2.1 4.3 Scala
    The complete graph data science platform
  • Kotori

    2.0 6.3 Python
    A flexible data historian based on InfluxDB, Grafana, MQTT, and more. Free, open, simple.
  • Terkin

    1.8 0.0 Python
    Datalogger for MicroPython and CPython.
  • dask-memusage

    0.9 0.0 Python
    A low-impact profiler to figure out how much memory each task in Dask is using
  • cclib

    A library for parsing and interpreting the results of computational chemistry packages.
  • ElasticBatch

    0.8 0.0 Python
    Elasticsearch tool for easily collecting and batch inserting Python data and pandas DataFrames
  • Open Babel

    A chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data.

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