boltons v16.2.0 Release Notes

  • (April 18, 2016)

    adding shell args escaper-joiners to strutils (escape_shell_args, args2cmd, args2sh) as well as a rare breaking fix to [iterutils.pairwise][iterutils.pairwise].

    • Argument joiners, functions to join command line arguments in context-appropriate ways:
      • [strutils.escape_shell_args][strutils.escape_shell_args]
      • [strutils.args2cmd][strutils.args2cmd]
      • [strutils.args2sh][strutils.args2sh]
    • BREAKING: finally fixing [iterutils.pairwise][iterutils.pairwise]. pairwise used to call to chunked, now it calls to windowed. pairwise([1, 2, 3, 4]) no longer returns [(1, 2), (3, 4)]. Instead, it returns [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)], which is what I always mean when I say pairwise, but not what the original contributor implemented.
    • Adding a universal wheel distribution option!