QuTiP v4.4.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-07-04 // almost 5 years ago
  • 🚀 The release of QuTiP 4.4.0

    👌 Improvements

    MAJOR FEATURE : Added methods and techniques to the stochastic solvers (by Eric Giguère ) which allows to use a much broader set of solvers and much more efficiently.

    MAJOR FEATURE : Optimization of the montecarlo solver (by Eric Giguère ). Computation are faster in many cases. Collapse information available to time dependant information.

    Added the QObjEvo class and methods (by Eric Giguère ), which is used behind the scenes by the dynamical solvers, making the code more efficient and tidier. More built-in function available to string coefficients. The coefficients can be made from interpolated array with variable timesteps and can obtain state information more easily. Time-dependant collapse operator can have multiple terms.

    New wigner_transform and plot_wigner_sphere function. (by Nithin Ramu ).

    ptrace is faster and work on bigger systems, from 15 Qbits to 30 Qbits.

    🛠 QIP module: added the possibility for user-defined gates, added the possibility to remove or add gates in any point of an already built circuit, added the molmer_sorensen gate, and fixed some bugs (by Boxi Li ).

    Added the quantum Hellinger distance to qutip.metrics (by Wojciech Rzadkowski ).

    Implemented possibility of choosing a random seed (by Marek marekyggdrasil ).

    ➕ Added a code of conduct to Github.

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    🛠 Fixed bug that made QuTiP incompatible with SciPy 1.3.

    quite.cite() is improved.

    ➕ Added matplotlib as optional dependency and updated numpy and scipy requirements.

    🛠 Fixed matrix generating coherent spin states in qutip.piqs to include complex coefficients.