pyparsing v2.0.7 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-12-01 // over 8 years ago
    • Simplified string representation of Forward class, to avoid memory and performance errors while building ParseException messages. Thanks, Will McGugan, Andrea Censi, and Martijn Vermaat for the bug reports and test code.

    • Cleaned up additional issues from enhancing the error messages for Or and MatchFirst, handling Unicode values in expressions. Fixes Unicode encoding issues in Python 2, thanks to Evan Hubinger for the bug report.

    • 🛠 Fixed implementation of dir() for ParseResults - was leaving out all the defined methods and just adding the custom results names.

    • 🛠 Fixed bug in ignore() that was introduced in pyparsing 1.5.3, that would not accept a string literal as the ignore expression.

    • ➕ Added new example to illustrate parsing of data formatted in columns, with detection of empty cells.

    • ⚡️ Updated a number of examples to more current Python and pyparsing forms.