pyparsing v4.7 Release Notes
Release Date: 2020-04-05 // almost 5 years ago-
๐ Version 2.4.7 - April, 2020
- ๐ Backport of selected fixes from 3.0.0 work:
. Each bug with Regex expressions
. And expressions not properly constructing with generator
. Traceback abbreviation
. Bug in delta_time example
. Fix regexen in pyparsing_common.real and .sci_real
โ . Avoid FutureWarning on Python 3.7 or later
โ . Cleanup output in runTests if comments are embedded in test string
- ๐ Backport of selected fixes from 3.0.0 work:
Previous changes from v4.6
๐ Version 2.4.6 - December, 2019
๐ Fixed typos in White mapping of whitespace characters, to use
correct "\u" prefix instead of "u".๐ Fix bug in left-associative ternary operators defined using
infixNotation. First reported on StackOverflow by user Jeronimo.โ Backport of pyparsing_test namespace from 3.0.0, including
โ TestParseResultsAsserts mixin class defining unittest-helper
๐ . def assertParseResultsEquals(
self, result, expected_list=None, expected_dict=None, msg=None)
๐ . def assertParseAndCheckList(
self, expr, test_string, expected_list, msg=None, verbose=True)
๐ . def assertParseAndCheckDict(
self, expr, test_string, expected_dict, msg=None, verbose=True)
โ . def assertRunTestResults(
โ self, run_tests_report, expected_parse_results=None, msg=None)
๐ . def assertRaisesParseException(self, exc_type=ParseException, msg=None)โ To use the methods in this mixin class, declare your unittest classes as:
โ from pyparsing import pyparsing_test as ppt
โ class MyParserTest(ppt.TestParseResultsAsserts, unittest.TestCase):