Prefect v2.0.b15 Release Notes

  • Uniquely refer to blocks with slugs

    Blocks are a convenient way to secure store and retrieve configuration. Now, retrieving configuration stored with blocks is even easier with slugs, both human and machine readable unique identifiers. By default, block type slugs are a lowercase, dash delimited version of the block type name, but can be customized via the _block_type_slug field on a custom Block subclass. Block document slugs are a concatenation of [block-type-slug]/[block-document-name] and can be used as an argument to the Block.load method. Slugs and block document names may only include alphanumeric characters and dashes.

    Warning: This breaking change makes this release incompatible with previous versions of the Orion server and Prefect Cloud 2.0

    🛠 Other improvements and bug fixes