Prefect v2.0.b14 Release Notes

  • Retreive the state of your tasks or flows with the return_state kwarg

    Beginning with 2.0b9, Prefect 2.0 began returning function results, instead of Prefect futures and states, by default. States are still an important concept in Prefect 2. They can be used to dictate and understand the behavior of your flows. Now, you can access the state for any task or flow with the new return_state kwarg. Just set return_state=True in you flow or task call and you can access its state with the .result() method, even if it's been submitted to a task runner.

    prefect cloud commands are easier to use

    🌲 The prefect cloud login command no longer overwrites your current profile with a new API URL and auth key. Instead, the command will prompt you to create a new profile when logging into Prefect Cloud 2.0. Subsequent calls to prefect cloud login using the same key will simply "log in" to prefect cloud by switching to the profile associated with that authentication key.

    The new prefect cloud workspace ls command lists availible workspaces.

    🛠 Other improvements and bug fixes

    • ⏱ The anchor datetime (aka start datetime) for all newly created interval schedules will be the current date & time
    • The prefect orion start command now handles keyboard interrupts
    • 🐎 CLI performance has been sped up 30-40% through improved import handling
    • 📚 UI screenschots have been updated throughout the documentation
    • Broken links don't feel as bad with our slick new 404 page