HTTP packages

Showing projects tagged as Internet, RESTful API, WWW, and HTTP

  • django-rest-framework

    9.7 8.8 L3 Python
    Web APIs for Django. 🎸
  • falcon

    8.8 7.7 L4 Python
    The no-magic web data plane API and microservices framework for Python developers, with a focus on reliability, correctness, and performance at scale.
  • HTTP Prompt

    8.6 0.0 L4 Python
    An interactive command-line HTTP and API testing client built on top of HTTPie featuring autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and more.
  • eve

    8.4 5.5 L1 Python
    REST API framework designed for human beings
  • apistar

    8.3 1.1 Python
    DISCONTINUED. The Web API toolkit. 🛠
  • vibora

    8.1 0.0 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Fast, asynchronous and elegant Python web framework.
  • connexion

    7.9 7.7 Python
    Connexion is a modern Python web framework that makes spec-first and api-first development easy.
  • Django REST Swagger

    7.4 0.0 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Swagger Documentation Generator for Django REST Framework: deprecated
  • sandman

    6.3 0.0 L5 Python
    Sandman "makes things REST".
  • flask-ask

    6.3 0.0 L4 Python
    Alexa Skills Kit for Python
  • sandman2

    6.0 0.0 Python
    Automatically generate a RESTful API service for your legacy database. No code required!
  • flask-api

    5.3 6.4 L5 Python
    Browsable web APIs for Flask.
  • flask-restless

    5.1 0.0 L3 Python
    NO LONGER MAINTAINED - A Flask extension for creating simple ReSTful JSON APIs from SQLAlchemy models.
  • Flask Google Maps

    4.3 2.4 L4 Python
    Easy way to add GoogleMaps to Flask applications. maintainer: @getcake
  • cornice

    3.7 5.6 L4 Python
    Build Web Services with Pyramid.
  • Flask-Redis

    3.4 0.0 L5 Python
    A Flask extension for using Redis
  • Flask-Diamond

    2.3 0.0 L5 Python
    :gem: Flask-Diamond is a batteries-included Flask framework.
  • PatZilla

    2.1 5.4 Python
    PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit with a modern user interface and access to multiple data sources.
  • django-modern-rpc

    1.8 8.0 L5 Python
    Simple XML-RPC and JSON-RPC server for modern Django
  • Cilantropy

    1.4 0.0 Python
    DISCONTINUED. :four_leaf_clover: Cilantropy is a Python Package Manager interface created to provide an "easy-to-use" visual and also a command-line interface for Pythonistas. Works great on windows, linux, macos :star:
  • flask-api-utils

    1.3 0.0 L5 Python
    Flask extension that takes care of API representation and authentication.
  • PyAztro

    1.3 0.0 Python
    Python Wrapper for aztro - The Astrology API | Get Daily Horoscope 💫
  • TBone

    1.0 0.0 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Full duplex RESTful API for your asyncio web apps
  • Python-Onfleet

    1.0 0.0 L4 Python
    DISCONTINUED. A full-featured Python wrapper for the Onfleet API.
  • RestMapper

    0.8 0.0 L4 Python
    RestMapper takes the pain out of integrating with RESTful APIs.