Moto v3.0.1 Release Notes

  • * New Services:
        * MQ:
            * create_broker()
            * create_configuration()
            * create_tags()
            * create_user()
            * delete_broker()
            * delete_tags()
            * delete_user()
            * describe_broker()
            * describe_configuration()
            * describe_configuration_revision()
            * describe_user()
            * list_brokers()
            * list_configurations()
            * list_tags()
            * list_users()
            * reboot_broker()
            * update_broker()
            * update_configuration()
            * update_user()
    * New Methods:
        * EC2:
            * create_snapshots()
        * Logs:
            * create_export_task()
        * Organizations:
            * remove_account_from_organization()
    * Miscellaneous:
        * DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now throws a MultipleTransactionsException when appropriate
        * DynamoDB: Now throws the appropriate InvalidConditionExpression when a ConditionExpression contains reserved keywords
        * Organizations: delete_organization() now validates whether all accounts are deleted
        * SecretsManager: The attributes CreatedDate and LastChangedDate are now returned for secrets
        * SNS: Simplistic email validation is now in place before sending emails