Moto v2.2.11 Release Notes

  • General:
        * Support for AWS China regions
        * ECS now has an option to enable long-format ARNs, by setting the environment variable MOTO_ECS_NEW_ARN=true
          Alternatively, use the `put_account_setting` to enable long-format for the current user.
    New Services:
        * Timestream:
            * create_database()
            * create_table()
            * delete_database()
            * delete_table()
            * describe_database()
            * describe_endpoints()
            * describe_table()
            * list_databases()
            * list_tables()
            * update_database()
            * update_table()
            * write_records()
    New Methods:
        * CognitoIDP:
            * admin_confirm_sign_up()
            * update_user_pool()
        * ECS:
            * delete_account_setting()
            * list_account_settings()
            * put_account_setting()
        * Route53:
            * create_query_logging_config()
            * delete_query_logging_config()
            * get_query_logging_config()
            * list_query_logging_config()
        * SES
            * describe_receipt_rule()
            * get_identity_notification_attributes()
            * set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled()
        * CloudFormation: Support create/update/delete of resource AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy
        * CloudFormation:get_template_summary() now returns the Parameters-attribute
        * CognitoIDP: Allow the UserAttributes email or phone_number to be used as username
        * CognitoIDP: Improved behaviour for the ForgotPassword()-feature