Mezzanine v4.2.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-09-19 // over 7 years ago
    • Issue #1565. Added conditions for assigning keywords to the keyword widget, when a validation error occurs - xuryax
    • Stop using deprecated template settings. - TEMPLATE_DIRS. - TEMPLATE_LOADERS. I think these must have been actually removed in django-1.10.0 because. they're throwing AttributeError's now - ryneeverett
    • Remove deprecated richtext_filter tag. I don't see how the fallback could even work without the user defining. RICHTEXT_FILTERS as empty in their own settings, because it defaults to. ("mezzanine.utils.html.thumbnails",) so the if not filternames path. would never be taken. Give that the fallback does nothing, I think. printing a warning is deceptive so better just to remove it entirely - ryneeverett
    • Fixed crash in Page.get_ascendants with non-current site - Alex Hill
    • Add override_current_site_id context manager - Alex Hill
    • Make sure a thread-local request is set in PagesTests. We rely in these tests on a “current request” being stored as a. thread-local, but without explicitly assigning one we were dependent on. other tests that make requests being executed before these - Alex Hill
    • Exclude .pyc, .pyo and __pycache__ files from release - Edward Betts
    • Correctly handle custom email fields in mezzanine.forms. The is_a method checks whether a field is one of Mezzanine's built-in. form fields. As far as I can tell, every other usage is for the purpose. of initializing the built-in fields and widgets, so it makes sense to. exclude user-defined fields. However in this instance, we only want to know whether the field is an. EmailField, not that it is the built-in Mezzanine email field. Therefore, check the class rather than identity. The effective change here is that user-defined fields (in. FORMS_EXTRA_FIELDS) which subclass django's EmailField will be able to. receive confirmation emails - ryneeverett
    • Remove redundant assignment of request.site_id - Alex Hill
    • Add compatibility with the Django 1.10 MIDDLEWARE setting - Samir Shah
    • Added test for KeywordWidget - xuryax
    • Updated Test for KeywordWidget - xuryax
    • Add more docstrings to ContentTyped - ryneeverett
    • Set base ContentTyped content_model to None. Per discussion with @AlexHill in cartridge#293, content_model is the. name of django's automatic OneToOneField's linking the concrete base. class inheriting from ContentTyped to it's subclasses. There is no such. field when the base class itself is instantiated, so the content_model. should be None - ryneeverett
    • ContentTyped.get_content_model() should return instance, not class - Alex Hill
    • Test admin redirects for ContentTyped models - Alex Hill
    • Small error documentation. I think there are a small error : fields (plural) not field - Anthony
    • Add some MIDDLEWARE compatibility fixes that were missing from #1660. Also change the way in which the middleware setting is determined. A statis variable will fail when settings are modified on the fly, e.g., when running tests - Samir Shah
    • Fix positional argument count on get_db_prep_value - Jeff Cook
    • Restore context vars in admin_dropdown_menu templatetag. Closes #1669 - Stephen McDonald
    • Fix request context for form entries in admin - Stephen McDonald
    • Fix template for form entries in admin - Stephen McDonald
    • Fix overextends tag with cached template loader - Alex Hill
    • Deprecate overextends tag since Django now includes its functionality - Alex Hill
    • Remove some obsolete checks for Django < 1.8 - Alex Hill
    • Deprecate SSLRedirectMiddleware. Resolve #1600. Also, set default SSL settings to editable=False so they do not. display in the settings by default - ryneeverett
    • Move most Field functionality into abstract base class - Alex Hill
    • Escape comment usernames in admin list - Stephen McDonald
    • Move richtext filtering into a util function - Stephen McDonald