Mezzanine v1.4.11 Release Notes

Release Date: 2013-08-26 // over 10 years ago
    • Added mezzatheme themes marketplace to features list - Stephen McDonald
    • Method to load all symbols of all files in a submodule - Thomas Rega
    • Use new decorator "richhtext_filters". The decorator "richtext_filter" is marked as deprecated - Thomas Rega
    • Move gallery related tests into the app directory. If the app is not installed, the tests are not executed - Thomas Rega
    • Move blog related tests into the app directory. If the app is not installed, the tests are not executed - Thomas Rega
    • Move page related tests into the app directory. If the app is not installed, the tests are not executed - Thomas Rega
    • Move account related tests into the app directory. If the app is not installed, the tests are not executed - Thomas Rega
    • Move form related tests into the app directory. If the app is not installed, the tests are not executed - Thomas Rega
    • Move core related tests into the app tests directory. These tests do not belong direct to an specific app, so they stay. in the core app directory for now - Thomas Rega
    • Simplify new test module structure - Stephen McDonald
    • Provide a common TestCase class for all app specific tests, for features such as admin user plus debug cursor for query tracking. Also consistent naming for tests - Stephen McDonald
    • Move tons of tests into their correct apps - Stephen McDonald
    • Patch jquery.overlay with jquery.browser support to work with new jQuery versions. Closes #701 - Stephen McDonald
    • Force tinyMCE save in dynamic_inline.js to avoid issues with richtext fields in dynamic inlines and ordering values not correctly handled. Closes #731 - Stephen McDonald
    • Update dev status classifier in - Stephen McDonald
    • Remove inclusion of mezzanine.accounts when testing - Zach Gohr
    • Inject all Mezzanine apps into the temp settings module when Mezzanine itself is being tested - Stephen McDonald
    • Use setuptools to test on travis - Stephen McDonald
    • Apply skipTests throughout different tests where apps are coupled - Stephen McDonald
    • specifies the test deps so we don't need to grab them for travis now - Stephen McDonald
    • Update send_mail_template to pass optional email headers to the EmailMultiAlternatives constructor. Rather than having the form page_processor send mail from user submitted email addresses (if present) have it specify the Reply-To header - Josh Cartmell
    • Get rid of FORMS_DISABLE_SEND_FROM_EMAIL_FIELD, always add the Reply-To header if there is an email_to - Josh Cartmell
    • Adding template accessible settings into context for rendering templates for emails - Danny Sag
    • Handling case when diff between min and max count is smaller than size. Weights were not calculated correctly when difference between max_count and min_count was smaller than settings.TAG_CLOUD_SIZES. Changed calculation of weights to use floating point arithmetic. The results of weight calculations using old and new code are shown below: - Ahmet Bakan
    • Adding .control-label to form_fields.html - Troy Harvey
    • Be a bit more explicit with request arg in settings context processor - Stephen McDonald
    • Added mezzanine-meze to third-party apps list - Stephen McDonald
    • Added support for Django 1.6. - The situations in which contribute_to_class is called have changed. - Fixed DeprecationWarning about simplejson. - Explicitly set the TEST_RUNNER to the pre 1.6 one. - Set default=False on BooleanField - Rocky Meza
    • Keep django version pinned - Stephen McDonald
    • Ensure correct arguments are used when returning a Page in place of a 404 from a non-page urlpattern - Ben Ledbury
    • Better error propagation when querying for tweets - Stephen McDonald
    • Added --force option to poll_twitter command which will query for tweets on all queries - Stephen McDonald
    • Catch and show twitter query errors in management command, and allow continuing - Stephen McDonald
    • Allow twitter queries to gracefully fail in templates - Stephen McDonald
    • Bump requeusts-oauthlib version. Closes #764 - Stephen McDonald
    • Exempt Link pages from 404 Page replacement - Ben Ledbury
    • Changed 'form' to 'editable_form' to fix naming conflict. Editable JS no longer being pulled in - Nicole Harris
    • Don't quote bullets,. The indentation causes the bullets to be treated as blockquotes - David Winterbottom
    • ,but do quote quotes :grinning: - David Winterbottom
    • Use correct comment field name in akismet API. Closes #768 - Stephen McDonald
    • Added TimeStamped model mixin to Displayable, for created/updated timestamps on all models. Closes #661 - Stephen McDonald
    • Allow account signups with profiles containing non-nullable fields. Closes #749 - Stephen McDonald