Flask v0.12.3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-04-26 // almost 6 years ago
  • 🚀 This release includes an important security fix for JSON and a minor backport for CLI support in PyCharm. It is provided for projects that cannot update to Flask 1.0 immediately. See the 1.0 announcement and update to it instead if possible.

    🔒 JSON Security Fix

    Flask previously decoded incoming JSON bytes using the content type of the request. Although JSON should only be encoded as UTF-8, Flask was more lenient. However, Python includes non-text related encodings that could result in unexpected memory use by a request.

    👍 Flask will now detect the encoding of incoming JSON data as one of the supported UTF encodings, and will not allow arbitrary encodings from the request.

    ⬆️ Upgrade

    ⬆️ Upgrade from PyPI with pip. Use a version identifier if you want to stay at 0.12:

    pip install -U 'Flask~=0.12.3'

    ⬆️ Or upgrade to 1.0:

    pip install -U Flask