
We'll make use of AppSignal to track errors in FastAPI.
In this post, we will specifically look at using AppSignal to track errors in a Django application.

We'll first create a Django project, install AppSignal, introduce some faulty code, and then use the AppSignal Errors dashboard to debug and resolve errors.
In a world of ever-changing technology, testing is an integral part of writing robust and reliable software. Tests verify that your code behaves as expected, make it easier to maintain and refactor code, and serve as documentation for your code.

There are two widely used testing frameworks for testing Django applications:

- Django's built-in test framework, built on Python's unittest
In this tutorial, we will build a simple Flask app that is primed and ready to deploy to Heroku.

Once the bare bones of the app are built, we will guide you through the setup process on GitHub and Heroku so that you can start making automatic deploys in no time.
We're happy to announce that AppSignal now offers monitoring tools for Python projects.

We offer all the monitoring tools you need:
- Error tracking ๐Ÿž
- Performance monitoring ๐Ÿ‡