supervisor v3.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-11-30 // over 8 years ago
    • Files included via the [include] section are read in sorted order. In past versions, the order was undefined. Patch by Ionel Cristian Mărieș.

    • supervisorctl start and supervisorctl stop now complete more quickly when handling many processes. Thanks to Chris McDonough for this patch. See:

    • Environment variables are now expanded for all config file options. Patch by Dexter Tad-y.

    • ➕ Added signalProcess, signalProcessGroup, and signalAllProcesses XML-RPC methods to supervisor RPC interface. Thanks to Casey Callendrello, Marc Abramowitz, and Moriyoshi Koizumi for the patches.

    • ➕ Added signal command to supervisorctl. Thanks to Moriyoshi Koizumi and Marc Abramowitz for the patches.

    • Errors caused by bad values in a config file now show the config section to make debugging easier. Patch by Marc Abramowitz.

    • Setting redirect_stderr=true in an [eventlistener:x] section is now disallowed because any messages written to stderr would interfere with the eventlistener protocol on stdout.

    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where spawning a process could cause supervisord to crash if an IOError occurred while setting up logging. One way this could happen is if a log filename was accidentally set to a directory instead of a file. Thanks to Grzegorz Nosek for reporting this issue.

    • 🛠 Fixed a bug introduced in 3.1.0 where supervisord could crash when attempting to display a resource limit error.

    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where supervisord could crash with the message Assertion failed for processname: RUNNING not in STARTING if a time change caused the last start time of the process to be in the future. Thanks to Róbert Nagy, Sergey Leschenko, and samhair for the patches.

    • ⚠ A warning is now logged if an eventlistener enters the UNKNOWN state, which usually indicates a bug in the eventlistener. Thanks to Steve Winton and detailyang for reporting issues that led to this change.

    • 🌐 Errors from the web interface are now logged at the ERROR level. Previously, they were logged at the TRACE level and easily missed. Thanks to Thomas Güttler for reporting this issue.

    • 🛠 Fixed DeprecationWarning: Parameters to load are deprecated. Call .resolve and .require separately. on setuptools >= 11.3.

    • If redirect_stderr=true and stderr_logfile=auto, no stderr log file will be created. In previous versions, an empty stderr log file would be created. Thanks to Łukasz Kożuchowski for the initial patch.

    • 🛠 Fixed an issue in Medusa that would cause supervisorctl tail -f to disconnect if many other supervisorctl commands were run in parallel. Patch by Stefan Friesel.