All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
55 days
Latest Release
1554 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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v1.7.3 Changes
August 01, 2019 -
v1.7.2 Changes
July 23, 2019 -
July 18, 2019 -
v1.7.0 Changes
July 18, 2019Highlights:
- ๐ Improvements for crawls targeting multiple domains
- A cleaner way to pass arguments to callbacks
- A new class for JSON requests
- ๐ Improvements for rule-based spiders
- ๐ New features for feed exports
v1.6.0 Changes
February 11, 2019Highlights:
- ๐ Better Windows support
- Python 3.7 compatibility
- ๐ Big documentation improvements, including a switch from .extract_first() + .extract() API to .get() + .getall() API
- Feed exports, FilePipeline and MediaPipeline improvements
- Better extensibility: item_error and request_reached_downloader signals; from_crawler support for feed exporters, feed storages and dupefilters.
- ๐ scrapy.contracts fixes and new features
- ๐ Telnet console security improvements, first released as a backport in Scrapy 1.5.2 (2019-01-22)
- ๐ Clean-up of the deprecated code
- ๐ Various bug fixes, small new features and usability improvements across the codebase.
January 22, 2019 -
July 11, 2018 -
v1.5.0 Changes
December 30, 2017๐ This release brings small new features and improvements across the codebase.
Some highlights:- ๐ Google Cloud Storage is supported in FilesPipeline and ImagesPipeline.
- Crawling with proxy servers becomes more efficient, as connections to proxies can be reused now.
- โ Warnings, exception and logging messages are improved to make debugging easier.
- ๐ scrapy parse command now allows to set custom request meta via --meta argument.
- โ Compatibility with Python 3.6, PyPy and PyPy3 is improved; PyPy and PyPy3 are now supported officially, by running tests on CI.
- ๐ Better default handling of HTTP 308, 522 and 524 status codes.
- ๐ Documentation is improved, as usual.
v1.4.0 Changes
December 29, 2017๐ Release notes at
v1.3.3 Changes
December 29, 2017๐ Release notes at