PyCrypto v1.9.alpha6 Release Notes

  • * Util.number.getPrime() would inadvertently round off the bit
      size; if you asked for a 129-bit prime or 135-bit prime, you
      got a 128-bit prime.
    * Added Util/test/ to measure the speed of prime
      generation, and PublicKey/test/ to measure
      the speed of RSA operations.
    * Merged the _rsa.c and _dsa.c files into a single accelerator
      module, _fastmath.c.  
    * Speed improvements: Added fast isPrime() function to _fastmath,
      cutting the time to generate a 1024-bit prime by a factor of 10.
      Optimized the C version of RSA decryption to use a longer series
      of operations that's roughly 3x faster than a single
      exponentiation.  (Contributed by Joris Bontje.)
    * Added support to RSA key objects for blinding and unblinding 
      data. (Contributed by Joris Bontje.)
    * Simplified RSA key generation: hard-wired the encryption
      exponent to 65537 instead of generating a random prime;
      generate prime factors in a loop until the product 
      is large enough.
    * Renamed cansign(), canencrypt(), hasprivate(), to 
      can_sign, can_encrypt, has_private.  If people shriek about
      this change very loudly, I'll add aliases for the old method
      names that log a warning and call the new method.