pillow v1.1.5.b1 Release Notes

    • ➕ Added new Sane release (from Ralph Heinkel). See the Sane/README and Sane/CHANGES files for more information.

    • ➕ Added experimental PngInfo chunk container to the PngImageFile module. This can be used to add arbitrary chunks to a PNG file. Create a PngInfo instance, use "add" or "add_text" to add chunks, and pass the instance as the "pnginfo" option when saving the file.

    • ➕ Added "getpalette" method. This returns the palette as a list, or None if the image has no palette. To modify the palette, use "getpalette" to fetch the current palette, modify the list, and put it back using "putpalette".

    • ➕ Added optional flattening to the ImagePath "tolist" method. tolist() or tolist(0) returns a list of 2-tuples, as before. tolist(1) returns a flattened list instead.