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Fake Data packages

Showing projects tagged as Testing and Fake Data

  • faker

    9.4 9.4 L4 Python
    Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
  • Mimesis

    7.5 9.1 L4 Python
    Mimesis is a powerful Python library that empowers developers to generate massive amounts of synthetic data efficiently.
  • fake2db

    6.1 0.0 L2 Python
    create custom test databases that are populated with fake data
  • time-machine

    3.6 8.6 Python
    Travel through time in your tests.
  • picka

    1.8 0.0 L3 Python
    pip install picka - Picka is a python based data generation and randomization module which aims to increase coverage by increasing the amount of tests you _dont_ have to write by hand.
  • python-libfaketime

    1.7 0.0 Python
    A fast time mocking alternative to freezegun that wraps libfaketime.
  • FauxFactory

    1.6 2.6 L5 Python
    Generates random data for your tests.
  • radar

    0.6 -
    Generate random datetime / time.

    0.5 8.6 Python
    Minimalistic, standalone alternative fake data generator with no dependencies