kombu v1.4.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿš€ :release-date: 2011-09-22 05:00 P.M BST ๐Ÿš€ :release-by: Ask Solem

    • โž• Adds module :mod:kombu.mixins.

      This module contains a :class:~kombu.mixins.ConsumerMixin class that can be used to easily implement a message consumer thread that consumes messages from one or more :class:kombu.Consumer instances.

    • ๐Ÿ†• New example: :ref:task-queue-example

      Using the ConsumerMixin, default channels and the global connection pool to demonstrate new Kombu features.

    • MongoDB transport did not work with MongoDB >= 2.0 (Issue #66)

      Fix contributed by James Turk.

    • Redis-py version check did not account for beta identifiers in version string.

      Fix contributed by David Ziegler.

    • Producer and Consumer now accepts a connection instance as the first argument.

      The connections default channel will then be used.

      In addition shortcut methods has been added to Connection:

      .. code-block:: pycon

      >>> connection.Producer(exchange)
      >>> connection.Consumer(queues=..., callbacks=...)
    • Connection has aquired a connected attribute that can be used to check if the connection instance has established a connection.

    • ConnectionPool.acquire_channel now returns the connections default channel rather than establising a new channel that must be manually handled.

    • โž• Added kombu.common.maybe_declare

      maybe_declare(entity) declares an entity if it has not previously been declared in the same process.

    • :func:kombu.compat.entry_to_queue has been moved to :mod:kombu.common

    • ๐Ÿ†• New module :mod:kombu.clocks now contains an implementation of Lamports logical clock.

    .. _version-1.3.5: