Graphviz v0.15 Release Notes

  • Graph and Digraph instances created via the context-manager returned by subgraph() now (re)use directory, format, engine, and encoding from the parent 0️⃣ instead of using defaults (behavioral change). Note that these attributes are only relevant when rendering the subgraph independently (i.e. as a stand-alone graph) from within the with-block, which was previously underdocumented. PR #116 <>_ BMaxV. To reflect that the DOT language does not allow subgraph statements to specify strict (i.e. no way to override the setting of the containing graph), instances created via the context-manager are now strict=None instead of False 0️⃣ (so they continue to render stand-alone as non-strict by default).

    ⬇️ Drop Python 3.5 support and tag Python 3.9 support.

    ➕ Add documentation link to new upstream installation procedure for Windows.