fuzzywuzzy v0.6.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-07-20 // almost 9 years ago
    • โž• Added link to a java port. [Andriy Burkov]

    • Patched "name 'unicode' is not defined" python3. [Carlos Garay]


    • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Make process.extract accept {dict, list}-like choices. [Nathan Typanski]

    Previously, process.extract expected lists or dictionaries, and tested this with isinstance() calls. In keeping with the spirit of Python (duck typing and all that), this change enables one to use extract() on any dict-like object for dict-like results, or any list-like object for list-like results.

    So now we can (and, indeed, I've added tests for these uses) call extract() on things like:

    • a generator of strings ("any iterable")
    • a UserDict
    • custom user-made classes that "look like" dicts (or, really, anything with a .items() method that behaves like a dict)
    • plain old lists and dicts

    The behavior is exactly the same for previous use cases of lists-and-dicts.

    This change goes along nicely with PR #68, since those docs suggest dict-like behavior is valid, and this change makes that true.

    • ๐Ÿ”€ Merge conflict. [Adam Cohen]

    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improve docs for fuzzywuzzy.process. [Nathan Typanski]

    The documentation for this module was dated and sometimes inaccurate. This overhauls the docs to accurately describe the current module, including detailing optional arguments that were not previously explained - e.g., limit argument to extract().

    This change follows the Google Python Style Guide, which may be found at:
