boltons v0.5.1 Release Notes

  • (April 10, 2015)

    🛠 A lot of bugfixes and Python 2.6 and PyPy compatibility changes thanks to community contributions and encouragement.

    • Corrected cases where OMD was not exactly a dropin for OrderedDict
    • conditional availability of [gcutils.get_all][gcutils.get_all] based on pypy or cpython, also [gcutils.is_tracked][gcutils.is_tracked] was added in 2.7, so making [gcutils.get_all][gcutils.get_all] work with 2.6
    • Made namedutils backwards compatibility for python 2.6 best effort
    • Fix invalid part_path usage in [fileutils.AtomicSaver][fileutils.AtomicSaver]