bidict v0.13.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-01-19 // over 7 years ago
    • 👌 Support Python 3.6.

    (Earlier versions of bidict should work fine on 3.6, but it is officially supported starting in this version.)

    • :class:~bidict.BidirectionalMapping has been refactored into an abstract base class, following the way works. The concrete method implementations it used to provide have been moved into a new BidictBase subclass.

    :class:~bidict.BidirectionalMapping now also implements :meth:~bidict.BidirectionalMapping.__subclasshook__, so any class that provides a conforming set of attributes (enumerated in :attr:~bidict.BidirectionalMapping._subclsattrs) will be considered a :class:~bidict.BidirectionalMapping subclass automatically.

    • OrderedBidirectionalMapping has been renamed to OrderedBidictBase, to better reflect its function. (It is not an ABC.)

    • A new FrozenBidictBase class has been factored out of :class:~bidict.frozenbidict and :class:frozenorderedbidict <bidict.FrozenOrderedBidict>. This implements common behavior such as caching the result of __hash__ after the first call.

    • The hash implementations of :class:~bidict.frozenbidict and :class:frozenorderedbidict <bidict.FrozenOrderedBidict>. have been reworked to improve performance and flexibility. :class:frozenorderedbidict <bidict.FrozenOrderedBidict>\’s hash implementation is now order-sensitive.

    See frozenbidict._compute_hash() and frozenorderedbidict._compute_hash for more documentation of the changes, including the new frozenbidict._USE_ITEMSVIEW_HASH and frozenorderedbidict._HASH_NITEMS_MAX attributes. If you have an interesting use case that requires overriding these, or suggestions for an alternative implementation, please share your feedback <>__.

    • Add _fwd_class and _inv_class attributes representing the backing types used internally to store the forward and inverse dictionaries, respectively.

    This allows creating custom bidict types with extended functionality simply by overriding these attributes in a subclass.

    See the new :doc:extending documentation for examples.

    • Pass any parameters passed to :meth:~bidict.bidict.popitem through to _fwd.popitem for greater extensibility.

    • More concise repr strings for empty bidicts.

    e.g. bidict() rather than bidict({}) and orderedbidict() rather than orderedbidict([]).

    • ➕ Add :attr:bidict.compat.PYPY and remove unused bidict.compat.izip_longest.