Yahooquery v2.2.8 Release Notes

    • :code:Ticker, :code:Screener, and :code:Research classes now accept the keyword argument :code:progress. If set to :code:True, a progress bar will be displayed when downloading data. The default value is :code:False
    • ➕ Add a :code:search function. This allows you to query Yahoo Finance for anything. Search for a company via cusip, ISIN Number, name, etc. The function returns a dictionary containing most relevant quotes and news items. You can also provide an argument :code:first_quote that returns only the most relevant quote from the query
    • ➕ Add a :code:currency_converter function. This will retrieve the current conversion rate between two specified currencies as well as historical rates over a specified period.
    • 🛠 Fix bug related to converting financials (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow) to dataframe.
    • The :code:symbols argument to the :code:Ticker class now accepts any iterable. The strings will also be converted to uppercase.