Yahooquery v2.2.5 Release Notes

    • โž• Add more data accessors for the :code:Ticker class: :code:quotes, :code:corporate_events, :code:all_financial_data, :code:get_financial_data, :code:corporate_guidance, :code:p_all_financial_data, and :code:p_get_financial_data
    • Financials methods now include optional argument to include / exclude the trailing tweleve month (TTM) data.
    • The :code:history method on the :code:Ticker class now accepts an optional argument to adjust the timezone (:code:adj_timezone) to the ticker's timezone. It defaults to :code:True.
    • ๐Ÿ“š Further documentation of acceptable keyword arguments to the :code:Ticker class.
    • is now a method. It accepts two arguments: :code:count - number of items to return; :code:start - start date to begin retrieving news items from
    • ๐Ÿ› Bug fixes: :code:Ticker.history method no longer returns extra rows when retrieving intraday data.