

weppy is a full-stack python web framework designed with simplicity in mind. It takes some components from web2py and has a syntax inspired by Flask.

The aim of weppy is to be clearly understandable, easy to be learned and to be used, so you can focus completely on your product's features:

Code Quality Rank: L3
Programming language: Python
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
Latest version: v2.4

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Emmett is a full-stack Python web framework designed with simplicity in mind.

The aim of Emmett is to be clearly understandable, easy to be learned and to be used, so you can focus completely on your product's features:

from emmett import App, request, response
from emmett.orm import Database, Model, Field
from emmett.tools import service, requires

class Task(Model):
    name = Field.string()
    is_completed = Field.bool(default=False)

app = App(__name__)
app.config.db.uri = "postgres://user:password@localhost/foo"
db = Database(app)
app.pipeline = [db.pipe]

def is_authenticated():
    return request.headers["Api-Key"] == "foobar"

def not_authorized():
    response.status = 401
    return {'error': 'not authorized'}

@requires(is_authenticated, otherwise=not_authorized)
async def todo():
    page = request.query_params.page or 1
    tasks = Task.where(
        lambda t: t.is_completed == False
    ).select(paginate=(page, 20))
    return {'tasks': tasks}

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The documentation is available at https://emmett.sh/docs. The sources are available under the docs folder.


The bloggy example described in the Tutorial is available under the examples folder.

Status of the project

Emmett is production ready and is compatible with Python 3.7 and above versions.

Emmett follows a semantic versioning for its releases, with a {major}.{minor}.{patch} scheme for versions numbers, where:

  • major versions might introduce breaking changes
  • minor versions usually introduce new features and might introduce deprecations
  • patch versions only introduce bug fixes

Deprecations are kept in place for at least 3 minor versions, and the drop is always communicated in the upgrade guide.

How can I help?

We would be very glad if you contributed to the project in one or all of these ways:

  • Talking about Emmett with friends and on the web
  • Adding issues and features requests here on GitHub
  • Participating in discussions about new features and issues here on GitHub
  • Improving the documentation
  • Forking the project and writing beautiful code


Emmmett is released under the BSD License.

However, due to original license limitations, some components are included in Emmett under their original licenses. Please check the LICENSE file for more details.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the weppy README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.