
We just released a library that provides a configuration-based approach to adding role-based access control (RBAC) to your application. The new Oso Roles library, with support for Python + Flask, speeds up the time it takes to build fine-grained permissions using roles and related patterns.

The library is in early access.
oso Engineer David Hatch recorded a video on GraphQL authorization + oso! Watch and learn how to declaratively specify authorization rules in Polar (oso's policy language), and how to add oso to a GraphQL application with a few lines of code using Graphene + SQLALchemy.
How to structure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) + how we ship roles out-of-the-box for SQLAlchemy. Covers feature design, our broader thinking on roles, and the sample app we use to validate and showcase the sqlalchemy-oso library.
Blog post on GraphQL Authorization, it covers how to declaratively specify authorization rules in Polar (the oso policy language), and how to add oso to a GraphQL application with a few lines of code using Graphene + SQLAlchemy.
Oso is a batteries-included framework for building authorization in your application.