
This article explains how views differ from materialized views and shows how using Postgres views makes querying aggregated data easier and (with materialized views) faster.
This article walks through 3 different methods for pagination with Django and Postgres and explains their benefits and tradeoffs so you can decide which one is the best fit for your application.
This article walks through the different types of partitions available in Postgres and how to use the django-postgres-extra package to make partitioning happen in Django.
This article shows how to use GeoDjango and PostGIS to work with geospatial data in Postgres.
This article walks through how to optimize a Full Text Search implementation with Django and Postgres. Even on a small table, the query execution time goes down from 0.045s to 0.001s

The article is looking at:
- Core Concepts of Postgres Full Text Search
- Using PostgreSQL Full Text Search in Django
This article explains how to set up database level checks on columns, create new composite data types, register new data types with psycopg2, representing composite types as a Python class, and explains the Django Field Class.
This article shows how to create and implement a row level security policy with Django middleware and Django signals, giving database administrators a way to limit the rows a user can access, adding an extra layer of data protection.
This article walks through the different types of JSON fields, querying JSONB data in Postgres, Django’s support for JSONB and potential limitations of JSONB fields.