
Micro-frontend architecture is one of the best strategies for scalable frontend development.

In this comprehensive article, you will be learning everything about micro frontend architecture along with a thorough guide to implementing it.
Front-end development is the core part of web development that largely focuses on the user experience, and for that, selecting the best front-end framework is paramount.

Here’s the tech guide for choosing the best front-end framework for your business-critical website development project.
When comparing Python and PHP, there are many advantages of choosing Python for web development. This blog discusses a detailed comparison of PHP vs. Python.
Everything that you need to know about Multithreading & Multiprocessing and How to use it in Python3.
Let's see some pros and cons of Python to help you decide whether you should go for Python development for your next project.
To accelerate tasks in Python development, developers heavily rely on web frameworks. Let’s find out which are the best Python web frameworks in 2019.