tmuxp v1.6.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-11-07 // over 3 years ago

    #641 Improvements to shell

    Thanks django-extensions (licensed MIT) for the shell detection abstraction.

    🗄 Deprecate shell_plus

    0️⃣ tmuxp shell now detects the best shell available by default

    Python 3.7+ with PYTHONBREAKPOINT set in env will drop into pdb by
    0️⃣ default

    ⬇️ Drop into code.interact by default instead of pdb if no third
    party shells found

    🆕 New options, override:

    - `--pdb`: Use plain old `breakpoint()` (python 3.7+) or  

    pdb.set_trace - --code: Drop into code.interact, accepts --use-pythonrc - --bpython: Drop into bpython - --ipython: Drop into ipython - --ptpython: Drop into ptpython, accepts --use-vi-mode - --ptipython: Drop into ipython + ptpython, accepts