Spyder v5.2.2 Release Notes
Release Date: 2022-01-21 // about 3 years ago-
๐ Important fixes
- ๐ Fix using Tk backend on Windows with the IPython Console
- ๐ Fix several issues regarding the IPython Console kernel restart, shutdown and bening errors handling
Issues Closed
- โก๏ธ Issue 17184 - In Spyder 5.2.1, History pane is not being updated after entering commands in the IPython console (PR 17218 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17159 - TypeError when displaying indent guides in Python 3.10 (PR 17169 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17145 - TypeError when computing max of a dataframe column (PR 17147 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17144 - The ( bracket does not always appear from input in IPython console (PR 17175 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17129 - Error while renaming directory in Files pane (PR 17132 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17120 - TypeError in calltip widget (PR 17121 by @ccordoba12)
- โ Issue 17102 - spyder/app/tests/test_mainwindow.py::test_varexp_magic_dbg fails with Python 3.10 (PR 17106 by @ccordoba12)
- โ Issue 17101 - Some test failures in spyder/plugins/editor/widgets/tests/test_warnings.py for Python 3.10 (PR 17106 by @ccordoba12)
- โ Issue 17100 - autopep8 formatting tests failing (PR 17106 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17097 -
KeyError: 'workspace'
when opening a project (PR 17098 by @ccordoba12) - ๐ Issue 17090 - test_handle_exception sometimes fails (PR 17092 by @ccordoba12)
- โ Issue 17084 - test_arrayeditor.py::test_object_arrays_display consistently segfaults (PR 17092 by @ccordoba12)
- โ Issue 17080 - test_workingdirectory.py tests segfault (PR 17092 by @ccordoba12)
- ๐ Issue 17071 - test_pylint.py has lots of failures because qtawesome says 'Invalid font prefix "mdi"' (PR 17074 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17069 - test_attribute_errors raises a numpy DeprecationWarning (PR 17092 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17068 - test_objectexplorer_collection_types gives lots of errors (PR 17075 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17067 - test_load_time fails (PR 17092 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17059 - test_range_indicator_visible_on_hover_only fails (PR 17092 by @ccordoba12)
- โ Issue 17058 - test_pydocgui.py has a timeout failure on test_get_pydoc (PR 17092 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17045 - Wrong EOL characters written to file when saving (PR 17048 by @ccordoba12)
- ๐ Issue 17042 - Unable to restart kernel with the default interpreter with the standalone Windows installer (PR 17158 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17028 - "Maintain focus in the editor" option has no effect when running cells (PR 17094 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17027 - "An error ocurred while starting the kernel" about wrong version of spyder-kernels is displayed despite being installed (PR 17033 by @ccordoba12)
- ๐ Issue 17026 - IPython Console shows error message on the Windows installer (PR 17050 by @ccordoba12)
- ๐ Issue 17025 - Code Analysis error in the Windows installer when overwriting installation with a new installer version (PR 17209 by @dalthviz)
- ๐ Issue 17024 - Spyder 5.2.1 stuck connecting to kernel when using the Tk backend on Windows (PR 17156 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 17011 - Kernel process lingers after closing tab when running different interpreter and Qt5 backend (PR 17035 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 16997 - Error while checking/unchecking completion providers preferences (PR 17056 by @dalthviz)
- Issue 16696 - multiprocessing failing when function contains a class on the same file (PR 17170 by @ccordoba12)
- ๐ Issue 16676 - An extra window running on Windows 11 (PR 17182 by @dalthviz)
- Issue 16423 - Make Variable Explorer column headers movable (PR 17127 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 15331 - Help pane cannot be toggled persistently in Spyder 5 (PR 17222 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 14928 - Get long message in Spyder when I use SymPy consoles (PR 17051 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 14739 - ZMQError: Address already in use when restarting the kernel (PR 17035 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 14534 - DeprecationWarning: ShellWidget._syntax_style_changed is deprecated in traitlets 4.1: use @observe and @unobserve instead (PR 17076 by @juliangilbey)
๐ In this release 35 issues were closed.
๐ Pull Requests Merged
- โก๏ธ PR 17226 - PR: Update core dependencies for 5.2.2, by @dalthviz
- PR 17222 - PR: Raise Help and IPython console to be visible only the first time Spyder starts, by @ccordoba12 (15331)
- โช PR 17218 - PR: Restore connection between the IPython console and History, by @ccordoba12 (17184)
- โก๏ธ PR 17209 - PR: Update Windows installer assets URL to add previous installation validation, by @dalthviz (17025)
- โก๏ธ PR 17193 - PR: Update translations from Crowdin, by @spyder-bot
- โก๏ธ PR 17192 - PR: Update translations for 5.2.2, by @dalthviz
- PR 17190 - PR: Spelling correction in the Kite progress installation dialog, by @samiam2013
- PR 17182 - PR: Add missing parent param to QObjects/QWidgets on the status bar base classes, by @dalthviz (16676)
- PR 17175 - PR: Prevent an error when inserting left brackets in the IPython console, by @ccordoba12 (17144)
- PR 17170 - PR: Fix error with multiprocessing when code contains classes (IPython console), by @ccordoba12 (16696)
- PR 17169 - PR: Convert to int variable used to paint indent guides (Editor), by @ccordoba12 (17159)
- ๐ PR 17158 - PR: Fix kernel restart for the Windows app (IPython console), by @ccordoba12 (17042)
- ๐ PR 17157 - PR: Fix error with PyNaCl (Windows installer), by @ccordoba12
- ๐ PR 17156 - PR: Fix hang when setting the Tk backend on Windows (IPython console), by @ccordoba12 (17024)
- PR 17147 - PR: Catch error when computing the max of a dataframe column (Variable Explorer), by @ccordoba12 (17145)
- ๐ PR 17137 - PR: Skip a test on Windows because it hangs sometimes, by @ccordoba12
- PR 17132 - PR: Fix renaming files in the editor after the folder that contains them was renamed in Files, by @ccordoba12 (17129)
- PR 17127 - PR: Make Variable Explorer column headers movable, by @ccordoba12 (16423)
- PR 17121 - PR: Fix an implicit float to int conversion, by @ccordoba12 (17120)
- PR 17118 - PR: Add pyz file extension to be syntax-highlighted as markdown, by @contactzen
- โ PR 17106 - PR: Fix autopep8 formatting and more failing tests, by @ccordoba12 (17102, 17101, 17100)
- โ PR 17105 - PR: Skip another conda test if this tool is not present, by @juliangilbey
- PR 17098 - PR: Catch error when trying to detect project type (Projects), by @ccordoba12 (17097)
- โ PR 17095 - PR: Skip conda and pyenv tests if these tools are not present, by @juliangilbey
- PR 17094 - PR: Fix a couple of focus issues with the IPython console, by @ccordoba12 (17028)
- โ PR 17092 - PR: Fix several small issues in our test suite, by @ccordoba12 (17090, 17084, 17080, 17069, 17067, 17059, 17058)
- ๐ PR 17087 - PR: Make Pylint config page test run independently from the rest in our test suite, by @juliangilbey (17071)
- ๐ PR 17079 - PR: Fix FileNotFoundError in Find plugin, by @impact27
- ๐ PR 17076 - PR: Fix traitlets deprecation warning, by @juliangilbey (14534)
- PR 17075 - PR: Fix test_objectexplorer_collection_types for Python 3.9+, by @ccordoba12 (17068)
- ๐ PR 17074 - PR: Make Pylint plugin tests run independently from the rest in our test suite, by @ccordoba12 (17071)
- ๐ PR 17064 - PR: Fix "Show in external file explorer" for non-existing file (Windows), by @rear1019
- ๐ PR 17063 - PR: Small fixes to improve compatibility with PySide, by @rear1019
- PR 17056 - PR: Add validation for registration/unregistration of completion provider status bar widgets, by @dalthviz (16997)
- PR 17052 - PR: Reconfigure client before a kernel restart (IPython console), by @ccordoba12
- ๐ PR 17051 - PR: Don't print DeprecationWarning's that come from comm handlers (IPython console), by @ccordoba12 (14928)
- PR 17050 - PR: Avoid showing bening kernel errors in console banner (IPython console), by @ccordoba12 (17026)
- PR 17048 - PR: Fix setting EOL characters when the user decides their preferred ones in Preferences, by @ccordoba12 (17045)
- PR 17035 - PR: Fix shutdown kernels associated to conda envs (IPython console), by @ccordoba12 (17011, 14739)
- PR 17033 - PR: Improve message about missing spyder-kernels (IPython console), by @ccordoba12 (17027)
- ๐ PR 17020 - PR: Clean Announcements.md and update RELEASE.md, by @dalthviz
- PR 17019 - PR: Fix cell highlighting (Editor), by @impact27
- โก๏ธ PR 17003 - PR: Many updates to third party file lists in NOTICE.txt, by @juliangilbey
- PR 16974 - PR: Limit the number of flags in the editor, by @impact27
- PR 16921 - PR: Improve cursor position history (Editor), by @impact27
๐ In this release 45 pull requests were closed.
Previous changes from v5.2.1
๐ Important fixes
- Prevent Spyder from crashing when selecting an interpreter with an incorrect
version - โก๏ธ Optimize several operations in the Editor and IPython Console
Issues Closed
- ๐ Issue 17005 - Bump/remove outdated
version validation and Spyder crashing (PR 17009 by @dalthviz) - Issue 16995 - Some SVG images have unnecessary executable permissions (PR 17000 by @juliangilbey)
- Issue 16964 - No possibility to select yapf as auto-formatter in preferences (PR 16972 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 16960 - TypeError when pressing Ctrl+Shift+Tab in the Editor (PR 16973 by @ccordoba12)
- โก๏ธ Issue 16948 - Clearing Find textbox in Editor does not trigger update to clear highlighted matches until Editor text changed (PR 16950 by @impact27)
- ๐ฆ Issue 16935 - Missing mandatory packages does not raise error (PR 16943 by @ccordoba12)
- ๐ Issue 16931 - Disabling the Projects pluging crashes spyder (PR 16945 by @ccordoba12)
- ๐จ Issue 16927 - Debugger message bug gets printed in the IPython Console (PR 16928 by @dalthviz)
- Issue 16910 - Spyder Mac app laggy in 5.2.0 (PR 16933 by @mrclary)
- Issue 16898 - Mac app crashes when openning Spyder version 5.2.0 (PR 16895 by @dalthviz)
- ๐ Issue 16896 - Spyder 5.2 Windows installer crashes during launch (PR 16895 by @dalthviz)
- Issue 16865 - Spyder freezes when zooming in and out in a large file (PR 16864 by @impact27)
- ๐ Issue 16744 - Remove Kite startup splash screen when Spyder starts (PR 17013 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 16439 - Internal problem when toggling max allowed line length (PR 16906 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 16390 - Modal dialog post resolution rescale locks up Spyder (PR 16941 by @dalthviz)
- ๐ Issue 14521 - Line break before type hint breaks docstring generation (PR 14567 by @Richardk2n)
- ๐ Issue 14520 - Docstring generation not working if the return type is an Annotated containing a function call (PR 14567 by @Richardk2n)
- Issue 14188 - Show vertical line at maximum allowed line length does not respect max allowed line length at startup (PR 16906 by @ccordoba12)
๐ In this release 18 issues were closed.
๐ Pull Requests Merged
- โก๏ธ PR 17015 - PR: Update CI workflows to use macOS 10.15, by @dalthviz
- PR 17013 - PR: Don't show Kite dialog the third time Spyder starts, by @ccordoba12 (16744)
- โก๏ธ PR 17012 - PR: Update Quansight logo in Readme, by @ccordoba12
- โก๏ธ PR 17010 - PR: Update core dependencies for 5.2.1, by @dalthviz
- PR 17009 - PR: Remove
, by @dalthviz (17005) - ๐ PR 17000 - PR: Remove execute bit permissions from images and data files, by @juliangilbey (16995, 16995)
- ๐ป PR 16991 - PR: Fix changing color scheme and UI theme (Appearance), by @ccordoba12
- โก๏ธ PR 16984 - PR: Update translations from Crowdin, by @spyder-bot
- โก๏ธ PR 16983 - PR: Update translations for 5.2.1, by @dalthviz
- PR 16977 - PR: Fix option to maintain focus on editor after running cells or selections, by @ccordoba12
- PR 16973 - PR: Cast floats to ints in tab switcher (Editor), by @ccordoba12 (16960)
- ๐ PR 16972 - PR: Remove mention to Yapf in style and formatting preferences tab (Completions), by @ccordoba12 (16964)
- โ PR 16970 - PR: Clean tests for CodeEditor, by @ccordoba12
- PR 16968 - PR: Fix get_text_with_eol for files with CRLF line endings, by @ccordoba12
- PR 16950 - PR: Clear highlighted matches after clearing text in find widget (Editor), by @impact27 (16948)
- ๐ PR 16945 - PR: Fix errors when other plugins are not available (Editor), by @ccordoba12 (16931)
- PR 16943 - PR: Fix detection of non-installed modules (Dependencies), by @ccordoba12 (16935)
- ๐ PR 16941 - PR: Move DPI change message dialog to the primaryScreen center, by @dalthviz (16390)
- ๐ PR 16933 - PR: Ensure jellyfish is packaged with macOS installer, by @mrclary (16910)
- PR 16928 - PR: Add validation to filter "Python bug https://bugs.python.org/issue1180193" message, by @dalthviz (16927)
- PR 16925 - PR: Do not check for change on every keystroke, by @impact27
- โก๏ธ PR 16915 - PR: Fix error when updating the plugin checkboxes state, by @steff456
- ๐ PR 16907 - PR: Some improvements to the docstring extension (Editor), by @ccordoba12
- ๐ง PR 16906 - PR: Fix applying configuration options to the editor, by @ccordoba12 (16439, 14188)
- PR 16899 - PR: Fix some issues with dependencies, by @ccordoba12
- ๐ PR 16895 - PR: Update RELEASE and MAINTENANCE files and fix some IPython Console issues, by @dalthviz (16898, 16896)
- โก๏ธ PR 16864 - PR: Optimize several operations in the editor and IPython console, by @impact27 (16865)
- ๐ PR 14567 - PR: Fix issues with docstring generation, by @Richardk2n (14521, 14520)
๐ In this release 28 pull requests were closed.
- Prevent Spyder from crashing when selecting an interpreter with an incorrect