Python v2022.4.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-03-30 // about 2 years ago
  • ✨ Enhancements

    🚀 1. Use new pre-release mechanism to install insiders. (#18144) 👍 1. Add support for detection and selection of conda environments lacking a python interpreter. (#18357)

    1. Retains the state of the TensorBoard webview. (#18591) 🚚 1. Move interpreter info status bar item to the right. (#18710) ⚡️ 1. debugpy updated to version v1.6.0. (#18795)

    🛠 Fixes

    👕 1. Properly dismiss the error popup dialog when having a linter error. (Thanks Virgil Sisoe) (#18553) ✅ 1. Python files are no longer excluded from Pytest arguments during test discovery. (thanks Marc Mueller) (#18562) 🛠 1. Fixes regression caused due to using conda run for executing files. (#18634)

    1. Use conda run to get the activated environment variables instead of activation using shell scripts. (#18698)

    Code Health

    🚚 1. Remove old settings migrator. (#14334) 🚚 1. Remove old language server setting migration. (#14337) 🚚 1. Remove dependency on other file system watchers. (#18381) ⚡️ 1. Update TypeScript version to 4.5.5. (#18602)


    Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of our features:

    Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help 👉 make this extension useful:

    And finally thanks to the Python development team and community for creating a fantastic programming language and community to be a part of!