markdown2 v1.0.1.2 Release Notes

    • [Issue 8] Alleviate some of the incompat of the last change by allowing (at the Python module level) the usage of safe_mode=True to mean what it used to -- i.e. "replace" safe mode.
    • [Issue 8, incompatible change] The "-s|--safe" command line option and the equivalent "safe_mode" option has changed semantics to be a string instead of a boolean. Legal values of the string are "replace" (the old behaviour: literal HTML is replaced with "[HTML_REMOVED]") and "escape" (meta chars in literal HTML is escaped).
    • [Issue 11] Process markup in footnote definition bodies.
    • Add support for -*- markdown-extras: ... -*- emacs-style files variables (typically in an XML comment) to set "extras" for the markdown conversion.
    • [Issue 6] Fix problem with footnotes if the reference string had uppercase letters.