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35 days
Latest Release
640 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v2022.7.24 Changes

    July 24, 2022

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • 🔨 Re-enabled three installs tests again on the Windows CI as recent refactor work has fixed them. #5064 <>_
    • 🗄 Support ANSI NO_COLOR environment variable and deprecate PIPENV_COLORBLIND variable, which will be removed after this release. #5158 <>_
    • Fixed edge case where a non-editable file, url or vcs would overwrite the value no_deps for all other requirements in the loop causing a retry condition. #5164 <>_
    • 🔒 Vendor in latest requirementslib for fix to lock when using editable VCS module with specific @ git reference. #5179 <>_

    Vendored Libraries

    • ✂ Remove crayons and replace with click.secho and click.styles per #3741 <>_
    • ⬆️ Vendor in latest version of pip==22.1.2 which upgrades pipenv from pip==22.0.4. Vendor in latest version of requirementslib==1.6.7 which includes a fix for tracebacks on encountering Annotated variables. Vendor in latest version of pip-shims==0.7.3 such that imports could be rewritten to utilize packaging from vendor'd pip. Drop the packaging requirement from the vendor directory in pipenv. #5147 <>_
    • ✂ Remove unused vendored dependency normailze-charset. #5161 <>_
    • ✂ Remove obsolete package funcsigs. #5168 <>_
    • ⬆️ Bump vendored dependency pyparsing==3.0.9. #5170 <>_
  • v2022.7.4 Changes

    July 04, 2022

    Behavior Changes

    • Adjust pipenv requirements to add markers and add an --exclude-markers option to allow the exclusion of markers. #5092 <>_

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Stopped expanding environment variables when using pipenv requirements #5134 <>_

    Vendored Libraries

    • 🚚 Depend on requests and certifi from vendored pip and remove them as explicit vendor dependencies. #5000 <>_
    • ✅ Vendor in the latest version of requirementslib==1.6.5 which includes bug fixes for beta python versions, projects with an at sign (@) in the path, and a setuptools deprecation warning. #5132 <>_

    Relates to dev process changes

    • Switch from using type comments to type annotations.
  • v2022.5.3.dev0 Changes

    June 07, 2022

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Adjust pipenv to work with the newly added venv install scheme in Python. First check if venv is among the available install schemes, and use it if it is. Otherwise fall back to the nt or posix_prefix install schemes as before. This should produce no change for environments where the install schemes were not redefined. #5096 <>_
  • v2022.5.2 Changes

    May 02, 2022

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • 🛠 Fixes issue of pipenv lock -r command printing to stdout instead of stderr. #5091 <>_
  • v2022.4.30 Changes

    April 30, 2022

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • 🛠 Fixes issue of requirements command problem by modifying to print -e and path of the editable package. #5070 <>_
    • ⏪ Revert specifier of setuptools requirement in back to what it was in order to fix FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] issue report. #5075 <>_
    • Fixes issue of requirements command where git requirements cause the command to fail, solved by using existing convert_deps_to_pip function. #5076 <>_

    Vendored Libraries

    • 🔧 Vendor in requirementslib==1.6.4 to Fix SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning setuptools.config.read_configuration became deprecated. #5081 <>_

    🗄 Removals and Deprecations

    • ✂ Remove more usage of misc functions of vistir. Many of this function are availabel in the STL or in another dependency of pipenv. #5078 <>_
  • v2022.4.21 Changes

    April 21, 2022

    🗄 Removals and Deprecations

    • 📇 Updated to remove support for python 3.6 from built pipenv packages' Metadata. #5065 <>_
  • v2022.4.20 Changes

    April 20, 2022

    🔋 Features & Improvements

    • Added new Pipenv option install_search_all_sources that allows installation of packages from an existing Pipfile.lock to search all defined indexes for the constrained package version and hash signatures. #5041 <>_

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • allow the user to disable the no_input flag, so the use of e.g Google Artifact Registry is possible. #4706 <>_
    • 🛠 Fixes case where packages could fail to install and the exit code was successful. #5031 <>_

    Vendored Libraries

    • ⚡️ Updated vendor version of pip from 21.2.2 to 22.0.4 which fixes a number of bugs including several reports of pipenv locking for an infinite amount of time when using certain package constraints. This also drops support for python 3.6 as it is EOL and support was removed in pip 22.x #4995 <>_

    🗄 Removals and Deprecations

    • ✂ Removed the vendor dependency more-itertools as it was originally added for zipp, which since stopped using it. #5044 <>_
    • Removed all usages of pipenv.vendor.vistir.compat.fs_str, since this function was used for PY2-PY3 compatability and is no longer needed. #5062 <>_

    Relates to dev process changes

    • ➕ Added pytest-cov and basic configuration to the project for generating html testing coverage reports.
    • 👕 Make all CI jobs run only after the lint stage. Also added a makefile target for vendoring the packages.
  • v2022.4.8 Changes

    April 08, 2022

    🔋 Features & Improvements

    • Implements a pipenv requirements command which generates a requirements.txt compatible output without locking. #4959 <>_
    • 🚚 Internal to pipenv, the was split into a utils module with unused code removed. #4992 <>_

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Pipenv will now ignore .venv in the project when PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT variable is False. Unset variable maintains the existing behavior of preferring to use the project's .venv should it exist. #2763 <>_
    • 🛠 Fix an edge case of hash collection in index restricted packages whereby the hashes for some packages would be missing from the Pipfile.lock following package index restrictions added in pipenv==2022.3.23. #5023 <>_

    👌 Improved Documentation

    • 📚 Pipenv CLI documentation generation has been fixed. It had broke when click was vendored into the project in 2021.11.9 because by default sphinx-click could no longer determine the CLI inherited from click. #4778 <>_
    • 👌 Improve documentation around extra indexes and index restricted packages. #5022 <>_

    🗄 Removals and Deprecations

    • ✂ Removes the optional install argument --extra-index-url as it was not compatible with index restricted packages. Using the --index argument is the correct way to specify a package should be pulled from the non-default index. #5022 <>_

    Relates to dev process changes

    • ➕ Added code linting using pre-commit-hooks, black, flake8, isort, pygrep-hooks, news-fragments and check-manifest. Very similar to pip's configuration; adds a towncrier new's type process for change to Development processes.
  • v2022.3.28 Changes

    March 27, 2022

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Environment variables were not being loaded when the --quiet flag was set #5010 <>_
    • 🏗 It would appear that requirementslib was not fully specifying the subdirectory to build_pep517 and and when a new version of setuptools was released, the test test_lock_nested_vcs_direct_url broke indicating the Pipfile.lock no longer contained the extra dependencies that should have been resolved. This regression affected pipenv>=2021.11.9 but has been fixed by a patch to requirementslib. #5019 <>_

    Vendored Libraries

    • 🚀 Vendor in pip==21.2.4 (from 21.2.2) in order to bring in requested bug fix for python3.6. Note: support for 3.6 will be dropped in a subsequent release. #5008 <>_
  • v2022.3.24 Changes

    March 23, 2022

    🔋 Features & Improvements

    • It is now possible to silence the Loading .env environment variables message on pipenv run with the --quiet flag or the PIPENV_QUIET environment variable. #4027 <>_

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • 🛠 Fixes issue with new index safety restriction, whereby an unnamed extra sources index caused and error to be thrown during install. #5002 <>_
    • The text Loading .env environment variables... has been switched back to stderr as to not break requirements.txt generation. Also it only prints now when a .env file is actually present. #5003 <>_