Pipenv v2022.4.8 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-04-08 // about 2 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ”‹ Features & Improvements

    • Implements a pipenv requirements command which generates a requirements.txt compatible output without locking. #4959 <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/4959>_
    • ๐Ÿšš Internal to pipenv, the utils.py was split into a utils module with unused code removed. #4992 <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/4992>_

    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

    • Pipenv will now ignore .venv in the project when PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT variable is False. Unset variable maintains the existing behavior of preferring to use the project's .venv should it exist. #2763 <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/2763>_
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix an edge case of hash collection in index restricted packages whereby the hashes for some packages would be missing from the Pipfile.lock following package index restrictions added in pipenv==2022.3.23. #5023 <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/5023>_

    ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved Documentation

    • ๐Ÿ“š Pipenv CLI documentation generation has been fixed. It had broke when click was vendored into the project in 2021.11.9 because by default sphinx-click could no longer determine the CLI inherited from click. #4778 <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/4778>_
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improve documentation around extra indexes and index restricted packages. #5022 <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/5022>_

    ๐Ÿ—„ Removals and Deprecations

    • โœ‚ Removes the optional install argument --extra-index-url as it was not compatible with index restricted packages. Using the --index argument is the correct way to specify a package should be pulled from the non-default index. #5022 <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/5022>_

    Relates to dev process changes

    • โž• Added code linting using pre-commit-hooks, black, flake8, isort, pygrep-hooks, news-fragments and check-manifest. Very similar to pip's configuration; adds a towncrier new's type process for change to Development processes.