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Avg Release Cycle
49 days
Latest Release
538 days ago

Changelog History
Page 10

  • v1.1.6.b1 Changes

    • βž• Added 'expand' option to the Image 'rotate' method. If true, the output image is made large enough to hold the entire rotated image.

    • πŸ”„ Changed the ImageDraw 'line' method to always draw the last pixel in a polyline, independent of line angle.

    • πŸ›  Fixed bearing calculation and clipping in the ImageFont truetype renderer; this could lead to clipped text, or crashes in the low- level _imagingft module. (based on input from Adam Twardoch and others).

    • βž• Added ImageQt wrapper module, for converting PIL Image objects to QImage objects in an efficient way.

    • πŸ›  Fixed 'getmodebands' to return the number of bands also for "PA" and "LA" modes. Added 'getmodebandnames' helper that return the band names.

  • v1.1.6.a2 Changes

    • βž• Added float/double support to the TIFF loader (from Russell Nelson).

    • πŸ›  Fixed broken use of realloc() in path.c (from Jan Matejek)

    • βž• Added save support for Spider images (from William Baxter).

    • πŸ›  Fixed broken 'paste' and 'resize' operations in pildriver (from Bill Janssen).

    • βž• Added support for duplex scanning to the Sane interface (Abel Deuring).

  • v1.1.6.a1 Changes

    • πŸ›  Fixed a memory leak in "convert(mode)", when converting from L to P.

    • βž• Added pixel access object. The "load" method now returns a access object that can be used to directly get and set pixel values, using ordinary [x, y] notation::

      pixel = im.load() v = pixel[x, y] pixel[x, y] = v

    If you're accessing more than a few pixels, this is a lot faster than using getpixel/putpixel.

    • πŸ›  Fixed building on Cygwin (from Miki Tebeka).

    • πŸ›  Fixed "point(callable)" on unloaded images (reported by HΓ₯kan Karlsson).

    • πŸ›  Fixed size bug in ImageWin.ImageWindow constructor (from Victor Reijs)

    • πŸ›  Fixed ImageMath float() and int() operations for Python 2.4 (reported by Don Rozenberg).

    • πŸ›  Fixed "RuntimeError: encoder error -8 in tostring" problem for wide "RGB", "I", and "F" images.

    • πŸ›  Fixed line width calculation.

  • v1.1.6.a0 Changes

    • πŸ›  Fixed byte order issue in Image.paste(ink) (from Ka-Ping Yee).

    • πŸ›  Fixed off-by-0.5 errors in the ANTIALIAS code (based on input from Douglas Bagnall).

    • βž• Added buffer interface support to the Path constructor. If a buffer is provided, it is assumed to contain a flat array of float coordinates (e.g. array.array('f', seq)).

    • βž• Added new ImageMath module.

    • πŸ›  Fixed ImageOps.equalize when used with a small number of distinct values (reported by David Kirtley).

    • πŸ›  Fixed potential integer division in PSDraw.image (from Eric Etheridge).

  • v1.1.5.c2 Changes

    • βž• Added experimental PERSPECTIVE transform method (from Jeff Breiden- bach).
  • v1.1.5.c1 Changes

    • πŸ‘‰ Make sure "thumbnail" never generates zero-wide or zero-high images (reported by Gene Skonicki)

    • πŸ›  Fixed a "getcolors" bug that could result in a zero count for some colors (reported by Richard Oudkerk).

    • πŸ”„ Changed default "convert" palette to avoid "rounding errors" when round-tripping white source pixels (reported by Henryk Gerlach and Jeff Epler).

  • v1.1.5.b3 Changes

    • Don't crash in "quantize" method if the number of colors requested is larger than 256. This release raises a ValueError exception; future versions may return a mode "RGB" image instead (reported by Richard Oudkerk).

    • βž• Added WBMP read/write support (based on code by Duncan Booth).

  • v1.1.5.b2 Changes

    • βž• Added DPI read/write support to the PNG codec. The decoder sets the info["dpi"] attribute for PNG files with appropriate resolution settings. The encoder uses the "dpi" option (based on code by Niki Spahiev).

    • βž• Added limited support for "point" mappings from mode "I" to mode "L". Only 16-bit values are supported (other values are clipped), the lookup table must contain exactly 65536 entries, and the mode argument must be set to "L".

    • βž• Added support for Mac OS X icns files (based on code by Bob Ippolito).

    • βž• Added "ModeFilter" support to the ImageFilter module.

    • βž• Added support for Spider images (from William Baxter). See the comments in PIL/ for more information on this format.

  • v1.1.5.b1 Changes

    • βž• Added new Sane release (from Ralph Heinkel). See the Sane/README and Sane/CHANGES files for more information.

    • βž• Added experimental PngInfo chunk container to the PngImageFile module. This can be used to add arbitrary chunks to a PNG file. Create a PngInfo instance, use "add" or "add_text" to add chunks, and pass the instance as the "pnginfo" option when saving the file.

    • βž• Added "getpalette" method. This returns the palette as a list, or None if the image has no palette. To modify the palette, use "getpalette" to fetch the current palette, modify the list, and put it back using "putpalette".

    • βž• Added optional flattening to the ImagePath "tolist" method. tolist() or tolist(0) returns a list of 2-tuples, as before. tolist(1) returns a flattened list instead.

  • v1.1.5.a5 Changes

    • πŸ›  Fixed BILINEAR/BICUBIC/ANTIALIAS filtering for mode "LA".

    • βž• Added "getcolors()" method. This is similar to the existing histo- gram method, but looks at color values instead of individual layers, and returns an unsorted list of (count, color) tuples.

    By default, the method returns None if finds more than 256 colors. If you need to look for more colors, you can pass in a limit (this is used to allocate internal tables, so you probably don't want to pass in too large values).

    • πŸ— Build improvements: Fixed building under AIX, improved detection of FreeType2 and Mac OS X framework libraries, and more. Many thanks to everyone who helped test the new "" script!