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Django packages

Showing projects tagged as Python and Django

  • doccano

    8.9 5.6 Python
    Open source annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.
  • Dependency Injector

    7.2 6.4 Python
    Dependency injection framework for Python
  • dynaconf

    7.1 8.2 L4 Python
    Configuration Management for Python ⚙
  • Python Social Auth

    6.3 8.4 Python
    Python Social Auth - Application - Django
  • django-newsfeed

    2.5 0.0 Python
    A news curator and newsletter subscription package for Django
  • django-jinja-knockout

    2.3 7.2 JavaScript
    Django datatables and widgets, both AJAX and traditional. Display-only ModelForms. ModelForms / inline formsets with AJAX submit and validation. Works with Django templates.
  • rest-framework-redesign

    0.8 7.4 HTML
    Redesign of the browsable api of Django REST Framework using Bootstrap 5
  • rest-framework-material

    0.6 7.0 HTML
    Redesign of the browsable api of Django REST Framework using MD Bootstrap
  • Nigerian States

    0.4 5.8 Python
    Django Nigerian States is a comprehensive third-party Django application that provides a robust and efficient way to manage and interact with geopolitical data related to Nigeria.