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Files packages

Showing projects tagged as Files

  • watchdog

    8.2 7.9 L4 Python
    Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events.
  • python-magic

    6.5 6.0 L5 Python
    A python wrapper for libmagic
  • PyFilesystem2

    5.9 0.0 Python
    Python's Filesystem abstraction layer

    4.8 8.7 L3 Python
    Object-oriented file system path manipulation
  • fastparquet

    4.3 7.6 Python
    python implementation of the parquet columnar file format.
  • Unipath

    3.5 0.0 L4 Python
    An object-oriented approach to Python file/directory operations.
  • pathlib

    1.5 -
    (Python standard library in Python 3.4+) An cross-platform, object-oriented path library.
  • Sorter

    1.1 0.0 Python
    A program that organises/sorts files into directories named by type/extension.
  • vignette

    0.6 4.4 Python
    A Python library for generating thumbnails following the FreeDesktop specification - mirror of
  • securo

    0.4 4.3 Python
    Encrypt and descrypt files and folders using a symmetric encryption
  • mimetypes

    (Python standard library) Map filenames to MIME types.
  • imghdr

    (Python standard library) Determine the type of an image.