Visualization packages

Showing projects tagged as Data Visualization and Visualization

  • matplotlib

    9.7 9.9 L3 Python
    matplotlib: plotting with Python
  • redash

    9.7 9.3 L4 Python
    Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data.
  • Welcome to Streamlit 👋

    9.7 9.8 Python
    Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps.
  • bokeh

    9.5 9.5 L4 TypeScript
    Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python
  • plotly

    9.4 9.4 L2 Python
    The interactive graphing library for Python :sparkles: This project now includes Plotly Express!
  • seaborn

    9.2 7.6 L2 Python
    Statistical data visualization in Python
  • folium

    8.7 8.7 Python
    Python Data. Leaflet.js Maps.
  • NiceGUI

    8.5 9.8 Python
    Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
  • PyQtGraph

    8.0 9.3 L2 Python
    Fast data visualization and GUI tools for scientific / engineering applications
  • #<Sawyer::Resource:0x00007fbd82367850>

    7.8 9.8 Python
    Panel: The powerful data exploration & web app framework for Python
  • VisPy

    7.4 8.1 L3 Python
    Main repository for Vispy
  • Flask JSONDash

    7.1 0.0 Python
    :snake: :bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Build complex dashboards without any front-end code. Use your own endpoints. JSON config only. Ready to go.
  • Cartopy

    5.7 8.6 Python
    Cartopy - a cartographic python library with matplotlib support
  • Lets-Plot

    5.6 9.8 Kotlin
    Multiplatform plotting library based on the Grammar of Graphics
  • Graphviz

    5.6 8.1 Python
    Simple Python interface for Graphviz
  • pydot

    4.6 8.8 Python
    Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language
  • pygraphviz

    4.5 7.7 L3 C
    Python interface to Graphviz graph drawing package
  • ipyvizzu

    4.4 8.9 Jupyter Notebook
    Build animated charts in Jupyter Notebook and similar environments with a simple Python syntax.
  • GR

    3.2 9.3 C
    GR framework: a graphics library for visualisation applications
  • Kotori

    2.0 4.9 Python
    A flexible data historian based on InfluxDB, Grafana, MQTT, and more. Free, open, simple.
  • chart

    1.5 0.0 Python
    Charts with pure python
  • tfgraphviz

    1.4 0.0 L5 Python
    A visualization tool to show a TensorFlow's graph like TensorBoard