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Utilities packages

Showing projects tagged as Asyncio and Utilities

  • Tenacity

    8.0 7.2 Python
    Retrying library for Python
  • Niquests

    3.7 8.7 Python
    Requests but with HTTP/3, HTTP/2, Multiplexed Connections, System CAs, Certificate Revocation, DNS over HTTPS / TLS / QUIC or UDP, Async, DNSSEC, and (much) pain removed!
  • riprova

    1.8 6.2 L5 Python
    Versatile async-friendly retry package with multiple backoff strategies
  • Throttler

    1.6 0.0 Python
    🔀⏳ Easy throttling with asyncio support
  • aiounittest

    1.5 2.6 Python
    Test python asyncio-based code with ease.