mycli v1.3.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ”‹ Features:

    • โž• Add a new special command (\T) to change the table format on the fly. (Thanks: Jonathan Bruno) eg: mycli> \T tsv
    • โž• Add --defaults-group-suffix to the command line. This lets the user specify a group to use in the my.cnf files. (Thanks: Irina Truong)

    In the my.cnf file a user can specify credentials for different databases and invoke mycli with the group name to use the appropriate credentials. eg:

      # my.cnf
      user   = 'root'
      socket = '/tmp/mysql.sock'
      pager = 'less -RXSF'
      database = 'account'
      user     = 'amjith'
      database  = 'user_management'
      $ mycli --defaults-group-suffix=amjith   # uses the [clientamjith] section in my.cnf
    • โž• Add --defaults-file option to the command line. This allows specifying a my.cnf to use at launch. This also makes it play nice with mysql sandbox.

    • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Make -p and --password take the password in commandline. This makes mycli a drop in replacement for mysql.