moviepy v0.2.3.3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-04-18 // about 6 years ago
  • 🔄 Change Log

    v0.2.3.3 (2018-04-17)

    Full Changelog

    Main Changes

    • ✂ Removed support for Python 3.3 (#688, #713)
    • 🏁 Lots of bug fixes, including better support for Python 3.x and Windows
    • 📚 Some documentation updates
    • ✅ Test coverage increased from 53% to 65%
    • 🛠 Credits tool fixed. Check it out here! 🔀 Merged pull requests 🛠 Fixed bugs: Issue with nesting context managers #655 Is there one potential bug in FFMPEG_READER? #546 vfx.scroll giving TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an index method #527 IndexError when converting audio to_soundarray() #246 Unable to use unicode strings with Python 2 #76 Added ffmpeg download when importing moviepy.editor #731 (tburrows13) 🛠 Fixed bugs, neater code, changed docstrings in audiofiles #722 (tburrows13) Resolve undefined name execfile in Python 3 #718 (cclauss) ✅ Fix credits, added tests #716 (tburrows13) res —> size to align with line 62 #710 (cclauss) Add gap=0 to align with lines 40, 97, and 98 #709 (cclauss) import numpy as np for lines 151 and 178 #708 (cclauss) Convert to valid Python #707 (cclauss) Added missing '%' operator for string formatting. #686 (taylorjdawson) Addressing #655 #656 (gyglim) initialize proc to None #637 (gyglim) sometimes tempfile.tempdir is None, so use tempfile.gettempdir() function instead #633 (earney) Issue629 #630 (Julian-O) Fixed bug in Clip.set_duration() #613 (kencochrane) Fixed typo in the slide_out transition #612 (kencochrane) Exceptions do not have a .message attribute. #603 (Julian-O) Issue #574, fix duration of masks when using concatenate(.., method="compose") #585 (earney) Fix out of bounds error #570 (shawwn) 🛠 fixed ffmpeg error reporting on Python 3 #565 (narfdotpl) Add int() wrapper to scroll to prevent floats #528 (tburrows13) Fix issue #464, repeated/skipped frames in ImageSequenceClip #494 (neitzal) 🛠 fixes #248 issue with VideoFileClip() not reading all frames #251 (aldilaff) Implemented enhancements: Use feature detection instead of version detection #721 (cclauss) Fixed Optional Progress Bar in cuts/detect_scenes #587 (scherroman) 🏗 Fix travis build and enable pip caching #561 (mbeacom) 0️⃣ Avoid mutable default arguments #553 (mbeacom) 👻 add ImageSequenceClip image size exception #550 (earney) 🔀 Merged pull requests: 📄 pep8 and a change to docstring #754 (tburrows13) 👷 Make TextClip work on Travis CI #747 (tburrows13) Added tests, new duration arg in to_ImageClip() #724 (tburrows13) let there be (more) colour #723 (bashu) Resolve undefined name unicode in Python 3 #717 (cclauss) PEP 8 #715 (tburrows13) Added info about tag wiki #714 (tburrows13) 🚚 Remove testing support for Python 3.3, closes #688 #713 (tburrows13) More PEP8 compliance #712 (tburrows13) More PEP8 compliance #711 (tburrows13) ✅ flake8 test to find syntax errors, undefined names #705 (cclauss) fix typo #687 (msrks) ⚡️ Update Readme.rst #671 (rlphillips) ⚡️ Update Dockerfile to add requests module #664 (edouard-mangel) 🛠 fixed typo in library include #652 (Goddard) Use max fps for CompositeVideoClip #610 (scherroman) Add audio normalization function #609 (dspinellis) #600: Several YouTube examples in Gallery page won't load. #606 (Julian-O) 📚 Two small corrections to documentation. #605 (Julian-O) PEP 8 compatible #582 (gpantelis) ✅ add additional ImageSequenceClip test #551 (earney) ✅ General tests cleanup #549 (mbeacom) ⚡️ Update docs #548 (tburrows13) ✅ add tests for most fx functions #545 (earney) Closed issues Overly Restrictive Requirements #767 Using a gif as an ImageClip? #764 How can I include a moving 'arrow' in a clip? #762 How to call ? #760 ImportError: Imageio Pillow requires Pillow, not PIL! #748 Fail to call VideoFileClip() because of WinError 6 #746 concatenate_videoclips with fadein fadeout #743 Ignore - sorry! #739 Image becomes blurr with high fps #735 Https protocol not found with ffmpeg #732 Storing Processed Video clip takes a long time #726 image corruption when concatenating images of different sizes #725 How to install MoviePy on OS High Sierra #706 Issue when running the first example of text overlay in ubuntu 16.04 with python3 #703 Extracting frames #702 🏁 Error - The handle is invalid - Windows Only #697 ImageMagick not detected by moviepy while using SubtitlesClip #693 Textclip is not working at all #691 🚚 Remove Python 3.3 testing ? #688 In idle, 25 % CPU #676 Audio error #675 Insert a ImageClip in a CompositeVideoClip. How to add nil audio #669 Output video is garbled, single frames output are fine #651 'missing handle' error #644 issue with proc being None #636 Looping parameter is missing from write_gif_with_image_io() #629 📦 would it be optionally possible to use pgmagick package ? (instead of ImageMagick binary) #625 concatenate_videoclips() can't handle TextClips #622 Writing movie one frame at a time #619 Fatal Python error: PyImport_GetModuleDict: no module dictionary! #618 line 54, in requires_duration return #601 ✅ test_duration() fails in test_TextClip() #598 Geting framesize from moviepy #571 Write_videofile results in 1930x1080 even when I force clip.resize(width=1920,height=1080) before write_videofile #547 AttributeError: AudioFileClip instance has no attribute 'afx' #513 ImageSequenceClip repeats frames depending on fps #464 manual_tracking format issue #373 resize video when time changed trigger a error #334 🏁 WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied #294 TypeError in Adding Soundtrack #279 0️⃣ Defaults fail for ImageSequenceClip() #218 audio normalization #32 Unclosed processes. #19